Monday, September 30, 2019
Changes in the Land
Changes in the Land Native Americans were some of the first people to live and settle in America, and lived much differently than Europeans. Cabeza de Vaca and William Cronon explain their experiences with Native Americans in Cabeza de Vaca's Adventures in the Unknown Interior of American and Changes in the Land respectively. Their lifestyle was very new and unfamiliar to both de Vaca and Cronon when they arrived in America. Cabeza de Vaca arrived in Southwest America in the sixteenth-century while William Cronon arrived in the New England area of America in the twentieth-century.Even though both of them lived in different time periods and were in different parts of America, there are several similarities and a few differences when they observed and encountered Native Americans. The Native Americans were nomadic people and traveled frequently according to the seasons and availability of food. In Changes in the Land, Cronon explains that the Native Americans only owned belongings that were essential because they moved around depending on where the food was most abundant (Cronon 54).During the seasonal migrations, a family might carry: clothing, baskets, fishing equipment, a few tools, corn, beans, and smoked meat (Cronon 54). Cabeza de Vaca explains that the Capoques and Han lived by the ocean in small huts. These huts are made of mats and their floors consisted of oyster shells, and they sleep on these shells in animal skins (de Vaca 62). The Han Indians often traveled to the shore to eat oysters during the Winter and would return to the mainland in the Spring. The Native Americans in both accounts are nomadic people and move around depending on the season.The Indians moved around a lot because of the availability of food depending on the time of year and would often starve or find other ways to adapt. During the twentieth-century, Cronon explains that the Native Americans would go fishing in the Spring then move back to the coast to hunt and pick berries in th e Summer. During the Winter, the women would farm while the men would hunt (Cronon 94). The southern Indians had a lot of agricultural produce and would trade with the northern Indians (Cronon 94). During theWinter, though, the northern Indians would starve because food was very scarce, which was very difficult for the Europeans to understand. The Indians living in the sixteenth-century would eat nothing but oysters and drink very bad water for three months (de Vaca 62). The Indians live on the island during the Winter, where they survive off of roots which the women gather from under water in November and December (de Vaca 61). In both accounts, the Indians moved depending on the season and what food was available to them, but ate different foods because of their locations.One difference between the Native Americans in Changes in the Land and Cabeza de Vaca's Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America is their manipulation of the land. The twentieth-century Native Americans were very big on agriculture and growing their own produce (Cronon 54), while the sixteenth-century Native Americans hunted more and ate more shellfish (de Vaca 43). These differences are due to their geographical location, what is more easily accessible, and the weather conditions of the area.Since they lived closer to the ocean, it was much easier to collect shellfish and gather berries than grow their own produce since the weather was not fit for agriculture. The Indians described by Cronon made more changes to the land than the Indians described by de Vaca. Overall, the Native Americans living during the sixteenth-century and the twentieth-century had very similar lifestyles and had the same motives for traveling often. The Native Americans in both accounts were nomadic and would move according to the time of year; because of this, they only owned things that were essential to living and did not own anything excessive.The Native Americans both hunted and gathered food to survive, bu t it was different types of food because of their geographical location and what was more readily available to them. Since this is the case, their manipulation of the land was differentâ€â€the later Native Americans grew more agriculture, while the earlier Native Americans hunted and gathered more of their food. There are a few differences between the Native Americans described by Cronon and de Vaca, but they are more similar to each other.
Nature of Philosophy Essay
Philosophy * Comes from the 2 Greek words  « philos -love  » and  « sophia -wisdom  » * tasks that requires a deliberate effort to seek the truth. * The act of questioning or wanting to know initiates philosophy, and most of the time we relate philosophy to thinking. * Knowledge of all things, through this ultimate causes, aquired through the use of reasoning * Is the intense and critical examination of beliefs and assumptions Philosopher * Lover of knowledge * A person who seeks knowledge for its own sake and not for any other motive. * Philosophers examine questions dealing with life’s most important aspects. * Raphael (1994) describes philosophy as essentially divided into two branches: the Philosophy of knowledge and the Philosophy of practice. * The Philosophy of knowledge is attentive to critical examination of assumptions about matters of fact and argument. Included in this branch are: epistemology (study of knowledge), metaphysics (the study of ultimate reality), the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind and philosophical logic. * Philosophy of practice, on the other hand, focuses on critical examination of assumptions about norms or values and includes ethics, social and political philosophy, and the philosophy of the law. It is the Philosophy of practice, particularly moral philosophy, that provides a groundwork for discussion of many of the troubling issues facing nurses. Objectives of Philosophy * To seek the deepest explanations of existence and the nature of being. It specifically uses reasoning to show its natural scope in deriving explanations Spiritual / religious influences * Historically, many of the dominant religious institutions made judgements about the origin and essence of healing and described those who would hold positions as legitimate healers. * Nevertheless, nursing in some form has existed in every culture, and has been influenced by spiritual beliefs, religious practices, and related cultural values. Gender influences * In every culture, women have been healers * As a result of the perception that women are more humane and more caring by nature, they have been viewed as naturally endowed with nursing talents. *  «Every woman†¦ has, at one time or another of her life, charge of the personal health of somebody, whether child or invalid- every woman is a nurse.  » ~Nightingale ANCIENT / PRESOCRATIC (7th century B. C) * Greek thinkers, called themselves  « wise men  » but of humility. * PYTHAGORAS- * One of the Greek thinkers, wanted to call himself a person who just love wisdom or a philosopher. * From then on, the Greek used the word philosophy for love of wisdom and philosopher as a lover of knowledge. * In the ancient times the position of healer was practiced by those thought to have special spiritual gifts. * When the reigning deity had a feminine, bisexual or androgynous nature, women were leaders in the healing arts. * As the world became a harsher place, and the Gods assumed a masculine nature, women’s role as independent, primary healer was taken away The Early Christian Era. * Early Christian nurses were frequently women of high social status and often became independent practitioners. * When religious belief moved toward a single male God, women’s healing role changed from that of sacred healer to subservient caregiver. MIDIEVAL / MIDDLE AGES * Christian scholars and Arab philosophers were the first to create a direct link of Philosophy to Theology, one of its main inspirations in the Christian faith which became a stimulus to reason. * During this time, monastcism and other religious groups offered the only opportunities for women to pursue careers in nursing. * Much of hospital nursing was carried out by repentant women and widows called sisters and by male nurses called brothers. * Deaconesses, matrons, and secular nursing orders were among the organized groups that had religious foundations and offered nusing services. * Much of hospital nursing was carried out by repentant women and widows called sisters and by male nurses called brothers. * Deaconesses, matrons, and secular nursing orders were among the organized groups that had religious foundations and offered nusing services. * Women who entered nursing orders donated their property and wealth to the Church and donated thier lives to service-believing that  « charity  » was synonymous with  « love  » * The term empirical relates to knowledge gained through the process of observation and experience. * Consequently, people were more likely to seek healing through religious intervention since the position of the Church was that only God and the devil had the power to either cause illness or promote healing * The crusades, which begin in 1096 and lasted nearly 200 years, brought many changes in health and population. * In response to the compelling need, military nursing orders were formed. These orders draw large numbers of men into the field of nursing. * During the Middle Ages, the status of women also declined. In many ways this was directly related to church doctrine. * St. Thomas Aquinas, known as the  « Angelic Doctor  » wrote that one should  « only make use of a necessary object, woman, who is needed to persevere the species or to provide food or drink†¦woman was created to be man’s helper, but her unique role is in conception†¦ since for all other purposes men would be better assisted by other men.  » * St. Jerome remarked that  « women is the gate of devil, the path of wickedness, the sting of the serpent, in the world a perilous object » * It was a popular religious view that women were essentially evil by nature. The pain of childbirth was believed to be punishment for Eve’s transgression, and served the purpose of reminding women of their original sinful nature. * Although the medical profession was officially sanctioned by the church, and male physicians were beginning to be trained in the university setting, there was scant scientific knowledge. They used bloodletting, astrology, alchemy, and incantations * Peasant women were often the only healers for people who had no doctors and suffered bitterly from poverty and disease * These folk healers had extensive knowledge about cures that had been handled down for generations via oral tradition. * These women developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs, drugs, and midwifery * This atmosphere set the stage for Church-sanctioned crimes against women in the form of the witch hunts. * Any women who treated an illness, even if she aplied a soothing salve to the diseased skin of her child, was likely to be acused of witchcraft. * If the treatment failes, she was sough to have cursed the patient. If the treatment succeeded, she was believed to be in consort with the devil * Although women were permitted to practice midwifery, these women were in danger of being accused of witchcraft if anything went wrong with either mother or baby MODERN (16th- 18 century A. D * During this period, Rene Descartes was known as the Father of Modern Philosophy, to his philosophy of rationalism and empiricism * RATIONALISM- – is a philosophical doctrine that specifically uses resoning and proof in explaining reality EMPIRICISM: – regards experience as the only source of knowledge,for it was during this time that the abundance of knowledge in science became a challenge for all philosophers to prove their discoveries and breakthrough to the aid of the aforementioned doctrines Renaissance and the Reformation * The sixteenth century heralded the beginning of two great movements: the renaissance and the reformation. * The renaissance produced an intellectual rebirth that began the scientific era * The reformation was a religious movement precipitated by the widespread abuses that had become a part of Church life and doctrinal disagreement among religious leaders. * The scientific community made advanced in mathematics and the sciences. * Rene Descartes is credited with proposing a theory that quickly altered philosophic beliefs about the separation of mind and body. * He proposed that the universe is a physical thing, and that everything in the universe is like a machine, which can be analyzed and understood. * Based on Descartes’ work  « cartesian philosophy  » began to replace religious beliefs related to the physical and spiritual beliefs of humankind. * As a direct result, a separation was created between the acts of caring and curing in the healing arts. * The reformation produced a split in the church. * A struggle between Catholic and Protestant groups spread across Europe, as a result, Catholicism lost its power in many countries. * Laws and cusotms in Protestant countries discouraged the humane care of the  « downtrodden and the weak  » CONTEMPORARY (20th century) * The existence of a great variety of doctrines of philosophy strenghtened its grasp in seeking the truth. * Among these are the doctrines of: * Karl Marx- Marxism * Immanuel Kant- Kantianism * Jean Paul Sartre- Existentialism The modern era * Florence Nightingale became a model for all nurses. She was a nurse, statistician, sanitarian, social reformer, and scholar. * she was politically astute, intelligent, and single-minded. * Although she was opposed to using church affiliation as a criterion for admision to nursing programs, her religious beliefs were evident in her dealings with students, whom she admonished to work, work, work, because  « if there is no cross, there is no crown  » * Another of nursing’s great modern leaders is Lavinia Lloid Dock * She was concerned with the many problems plaguing nursing, warning that male dominance in the health field was the major problem confronting the nursing profession.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Anzaldua’s Struggle with Language Essay
Gloria Anzaldua, the author of â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue,†expresses a very strong tie that she has to her native language. Anzaldua grew up in the United States, but spoke mostly Spanish. She did not speak the normal form of Spanish though; she spoke Chicano Spanish, a language very close to her heart. The text focuses on the idea of her losing her home accent, or tongue, to conform to the environment she is growing up in. From a very young age, Anzaldua knows that she is not treated the same as everyone else is treated. She knows that she is second to others, and her language is far from second to others as well. Anzaldua stays true to her language by identifying herself with her language and keeping it alive, when everyone else wants it gone. She strategically expresses herself in the text through her personal experiences with the language, the use of narration and structure, and her gender role within her language. Anzaldua uses appeals such as ethos, pathos, and log os to show the audience the use of these three strategies. Anzaldua’s text begins with her visit to the dentist. This is where she introduces the main, reoccurring, theme of â€Å"taming a wild tongue.†This theme, depending which way it is looked at, can be seen as a rhetorical question in the sense that her â€Å"tongue†cannot be tamed. In this case it metaphorically represents her native language she speaks. The dentist is getting frustrated with her tongue getting in the way of his work, and he mentions how her tongue is so strong and stubborn. He states that something must be done about her untamed tongue. Ironically, everything the dentist says about to tongue is true for her native tongue as well. Anzaldua knows that she cannot stand up for herself and her tongue, because her language is frowned upon in America. There is no way to tame her tongue; she must completely get rid of it. In these first opening paragraphs, Anzaldua is using the rhetorical strategy of her personal experience at the dentist. When reading this, one may think that the author is trying to portray a young girl at the dentist and that her tongue is being stubborn. The author is using a metaphor, and is not only talking about her actual tongue, but her accent as well. Anzaldua is showing an appeal such as pathos. The author shows this emotional appeal to demonstrate the love that she has for her language. Anzaldua identifies herself with her language, and is very emotional about it. The author has many personal experiences with the language that she is punished for. At school if she was caught speaking Spanish, she would be punished for it. For instance, she was once punished and accused of â€Å"talking back†to the teacher when all she was trying to do was tell her how to pronounce her name. The teachers were very disrespectful to her and her companions who spoke Spanish. One of the teachers stated, â€Å"If you want to be American, speak American. [i]f you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong†(59). The Spanish speaking students were frowned upon and were not only taught to speak English, but to speak English without slang or a Mexican accent. Anzaldua identifies herself with her language, and is offended if someone talks poorly about it. The author uses her emotional tie to her language to connect with the audience and give the reader a sense of how she feels. She uses ethos to show her strong connection with her background. She speaks her â€Å"home†tongues only with her sister and brothers, and her friends. There are five different languages but the two that she feels closest to are Chicano Spanish and Tex-Mex. She also speaks Pachuco, the language of rebellion, which she speaks in secret with kids and people her own age. According to Americans, her language is considered a bastard language and that it is illegitimate. This is something that she takes to heart because her language is so important to her and it is so close to her and her family. Anzaldua shows this in the narration and structure of her writing. Her reading is bilingual instead of just in English. She will write a whole sentence in English but change one or two words in the sentence to Spanish. An example is when she says, â€Å"Often with mexicanas y latinos we’ll speak English as a neutral language†(64). Here is just a small example of how she includes her Spanish language in her English text. There are many different times when Anzaldua does this in her reading. This is something that may confuse an English reader with no Spanish experience. Often times when I came across words in Spanish I got confused and almost embarrassed because I had no clue what she was trying to say. I think this is a great way to show readers how she felt as a Chicano trying to learn a whole new language. Anzaldua’s strategy of narration and structure of the text really catches a reader’s eye. She also italicizes any Spanish words that she includes in her text. This is just another way of showing the audience how important her language is to her. Another strategy she uses in her writing is how she splits up her story. She has many different titles throughout her text including: Overcoming the tradition of silence, Oyeá ¿ ½ como ladra: el lenguaje de la frontera, Chicano Spanish, and Linguistic terrorism. These titles all represent a new important part of her life and her life growing up in America. This is a strategy that works well with an audience because it attracts a reader to want to know more about the next topic of her life. Anzaldua uses these strategies to build appeals with the audience. She demonstrates ethos to the audience because of the emotional tie she has with her background. A reader can connect with her when she reveals her emotion to the audience. The use of her two languages in the text also exhibits her use of logos. Anzaldua struggles to keep her language alive because it is something that is so dear to her heart, but in turn she is not treated as well as she should be treated. In her text, Anzaldua explains how women are treated differently within the language. From a young age, girls are taught not to talk much, and to not talk back. In Spanish when speaking about a group of girls, including yourself in the group, you would say nosotras, and when speaking about a group of guys you would say nosostros. Anzaldua did not know that the word nosotras, the feminine reference, even existed until an older age. A group of women was always referred to as the masculine meaning. She states, â€Å"We are robbed of our female being by the masculine plural. [l]anguage is a male discourse†(60). Although women are treated differently than men, she does not take this to heart because she has grown up this way, and she still loves her heritage and language. She stands up for her language because it is part of who she is as a woman. She is proud of whom she is, and the language she speaks. Anzaldua values her language because it is a part of her identity. She says, â€Å"Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity-I am my language†(65). If you really want to make her mad or hurt her feelings, say bad things about her language. She takes pride in her language and respects it. This is the closest thing to her and is part of who she is. Anzaldua’s gender role within the language shows a reader how she is viewed as a woman. This established ethos to the reader because of how she feels about the illegitimacy of the language. She cannot accept legitimacy of herself until she is free to be like a typical American and do all the same things as them. Anzaldua says after this is done, â€Å"I will overcome the tradition of silence†(65). Throughout the text, â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue,†by Gloria Anzaldua, she consistently refers to the pride she takes in the language. Her Chicana Spanish is something that is very important to her, and very dear to her heart. A reader realizes this by the author’s use of personal experiences with the language, the use of narration and structure, and her gender role within her language. Anzaldua also uses these strategies to aid in the use of her appeals such as ethos, pathos, and logos. She uses ethos frequently throughout her text because Chicano Spanish is something that is so important to her. Anzaldua takes pride in who she is and where she is from, and she will never let anyone take that away from her.
Friday, September 27, 2019
St. Augustines Role in the Development of Christianity Essay
St. Augustines Role in the Development of Christianity - Essay Example St. Augustine’s Role in the Development of Christianity The name of St. Augustine is also among such courageous and dauntless personalities, who devoted their life for the uplift of Christianity in his surroundings without displaying any irresoluteness in the face of hardships. St. Augustine of Hippo enjoys very respectable status in the list of the Christian saints, who had rendered exceptional services for the growth and development of the contemporary world’s largest religion i.e. Christianity. He not only dedicated his entire life for the development of Christianity, but also introduced, interpreted and elaborated the fundamental concepts of the belief in order to convey the Christ’s true message to the masses during the era when adopting and supporting Christian teachings served as taboo and forbidden act in the eyes of law and society at large. The Christians were persecuted, tortured and even killed at the hands of pagans and Jews in Africa and Rome respectively. â€Å"Christians posed a problem for Roman rulers beca use Christians refused to worship Roman gods. This refusal was seen as opposition to Roman rule. Some Roman rulers also used Christians as scapegoats for political and economic troubles.†( Augustine was born in Numidia, North Africa in 354 A.D. It was the time when Christian faith was in its budding in the entire region. The paganism prevailed all over Africa, and the people, converted to this new faith, were looked upon with extreme suspicion and abhorrence. Being the son of a pagan father, Patricia, and devout Christian mother, Monica, the young Augustine had least interest in Christianity in his early youth. Being an energetic and carefree youth, he spent most of his time in dissipation and revelry making. Hence, he was neither interested in paganism, nor did he display any inclination towards her mother’s conversion. However, he had developed great taste for philosophy and maintained aptitude for reading. â€Å"After a rather unremarkable childhoo d, Augustine drifted through several philosophical systems before converting to Christianity at the age of thirty-one. At the age of nineteen, Augustine read Cicero's Hortensius, an experience that led him into the fascination with philosophical questions and methods that would remain with him throughout his life.†( Since St. Monica, his mother, had dedicated her life for the cause of her religion, she vehemently lamented over Augustine’s sticking to the pagan faith. Somehow, the circumstances observed astounding change, and Augustine started abhorring dissipation; eventually his social life was confined to reading and brooding. The remarkable mysterious call, inviting him to adopt the path of virtue and glory was too powerful to resist. Consequently, he embraced Manichaean faith viewing it as the right path to be followed. Somehow, his discussions with his friend Simplicianus and his mother’s insisting forced him to study the new religious doctrine. St . Ambrose of Milan played decisive role in his conversion, and he adopted Christianity not just to imitate others; rather, he entered the faith on the concrete foundations of his deep study, meditative examination and thorough analysis of the Christian teachings. Augustine has recorded the account of his conversion in his wonderful â€Å"The Confessions.†After conversion, Augustine dedicated himself for the cause of Christianity. He declared his conversion to Christianity as the outcome of countless bounties of his Lord upon him. He studied, taught and spread the basic philosophy of religion, and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sam 489 unit 9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sam 489 unit 9 - Assignment Example this regard, the 911 commission conducted investigations across the government’s security departments and presented its findings to the then president George Bush (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The major findings/recommendations of the 911 commission were that the security intelligence failed to prevent the attacks. It emerged that the intelligence failed to disclose vital information obtained at the airports, before and after the attacks, to the military and police forces. This is because the commission realized that there were loopholes at the airport when the terrorists accessed the country to execute the attacks (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The commission also found that most of the attackers were Saudi Arabian citizens drawn from the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. The evidence was derived from video footages obtained from the airport control unit (Felzenberg, 2006). As a result, the commissioners recommended more funding to be added towards the security kitty to enable them to adequately prepare. The Bush administration received grades from the commission on their efforts towards national security. For instance, the Congress performance was low because it failed to mark terrorism as a major policy to handle. The intelligence agencies were also ranked below average because of their failure to liaise with other security department for maximum protection (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). It is apparent that the government did not consider threats from Al-Qaeda to be serious and ignored calls for tight security measures along the borders. The report grading also indicated that the citizens should be vigilant by cooperating with the security teams in case of threats or risks in their neighborhoods (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The grading provided a challenge to the US government to design new measures of approach the emergent terrorist extremism. This is because the occurrence of the 911 attacks exposed considerable challenges and
Adult Education Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adult Education Organizations - Essay Example The research outlines some of the criteria for changes where most of them focus on the effectiveness of the prevailing leadership style. According to the article, change occurs for various reasons. For instance, in education, organizations or learning institutions may be looking for alternative means to improve the quality and strengthen their reputation. However, the study also recommends that a successful change initiation depends on certain criteria that lay the basis for the transformation of all organizations. One of the criteria for leading change is open communication that results in effective coordination between the staff and executive management. Nonetheless, the article suggests that the inclusion of people in the early stages of the decision-making process is also necessary for leading change. Another important criterion for effecting change is creating an environment that motivates the staff to accept the change. From the above criteria, it is evident that one of the met hods for initiating change in the educational sector is creating enthusiasm among the staff to accept the transformation. Creating enthusiasm is a way of motivating the staff to accept the changes. Another important method for implementing change is training the staff on important aspects of change management and initiation. The training focuses on equipping staff with the right knowledge on effective change management and implementation. The article strongly emphasizes on leadership as the primary determinant of change initiation and implementation.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Which is bigger Feel the Fear or The Giant Speech Presentation
Which is bigger Feel the Fear The Giant - Speech or Presentation Example Mathematics is used in numerous ways including description of real world research important real world situations, idea test and give predictions of the real world situations among others (Berry 1995 pp24). Generally, in mathematics, modelling of mathematics gives a procedure or a method that can be used for solving certain situations and problems in mathematics. In this report, the process of mathematical modelling was intended to be used effectively in solving the problems and the situations in the report (Berry 1995 pp24). The report also will use the model to analyze the data given and mathematically give solutions to the research question. The analysis section of this report involved some mathematical calculations of numerous problems whose solutions were found through differentiation. The first problem tackled focused on determining the difference in the altitude of each coasters. The determination was performed through manual mathematical calculations, all the steps used in conducting this calculation are highlighted and explained appropriately in the report. The following are the solutions including all the steps used to solve the three mathematics problem during the research: In conclusion, the report analysis used the modelling of mathematics to solve and evaluate the questions asked in the report. Mathematical modelling such as differentiation of first derivatives is used in the report to find the accurate answers. In order to approach different problems in the correct form, the modelling process of mathematics was used. Just from prediction which was tested to give the data to be formulated. Formulation gives the model which is analyzed to give the conclusion as well as the answers to the problems. The methods used to analyze the report were accurately and appropriately
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Museum - Essay Example There are a number of ways that the museum attempts to discover this original context by interpreting the social languages evident in the objects they collect. Kavanaugh1 indicates that social languages have essentially three component parts, one of which is the direct use of signs and symbols in the form of objects and space while the other two, non-verbal communication such as gestures and body language and verbal communication such as speech and writing, can also be preserved somewhat in the objects that are left behind and can help in determining the culture from which the object originated. Because objects share a role in the interrelated social communication modes of a particular society, the interpretation of these objects may differ from one society to the next or even one time period to the next. The museum attempts to convey an idea of the original culture by grouping artifacts according to their age and date and place of discovery. By grouping things in this way, it is hoped an idea of the lifestyle of the people who created them will emerge that is free from the understandings of the modern age. Artifacts are shown with explanatory placards that tell what the object was used for and how old it is thought to be. Markings on the objects are interpreted as signs of the beliefs and legends of the originating society whenever possible and other contextualizing information is given. For example, a vase might be explained by the techniques used to make it, the markings that appear on its sides, the design or shape of its form and the anticipated use based on remnants of materials found within the vase. However, the way in which the object is interpreted can not only provide significant contextual clues to the society from which it was produced, but can also reflect the understanding of the society attempting to
Monday, September 23, 2019
A Stakeholder Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Stakeholder Perspective - Essay Example Since the technology was invented it has been faced with numerous debates some challenging its legitimacy while other proposing for its implementation due to the benefits that come along it (Young). Statistics from WTP indicate t there are close to one hundred strains of genetically modified organism that have be developed so far with approximately forty of them being implemented in the farms for large scale production purposes (Weirich). Despite the strong opposition that have marred the implementation of genetically modified organisms in a number of countries across the world these organisms have numerous of advantages to various stakeholders in the agricultural sector (Koch and Bjarte). For instance, the strains that are genetically modified are often resistant to pests and diseases; they depict tolerance to drought and herbicides at the same time they have enhanced nutritional enrichment as compared to the traditional crops. Despite this advantages a number of arguments have been advanced regarding genetically modified organisms ranging from their safety to if elaborate legislation measures have been put in place to regulate their use and distribution (Consumers Food Safety and Environment) This paper will be arguing on the genetically modified organism debate from a farmer’s perspective based in Ghana. Ghana is a third world country based in Africa and thus it is classified among the group of developing countries that face economic and food security problems over time. Farming in third world countries like Ghana is not sophisticated in terms of farm machinery and thus most of the farming is done for substance purposes (Koch and Bjarte). Commercial farming is done on a small scale by organizations which can afford to implement mechanization in the firms in terms of buying the expensive machines that are required to implement large-scale production of crops as well as the farm inputs that are required
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why I Deserve the Jennifer Velasco Scholarship Essay Example for Free
Why I Deserve the Jennifer Velasco Scholarship Essay When I made the Sterling Varsity tennis team I set up a goal for myself and it was to be the number one in the team, I started playing tennis when I was a freshman and I also joined the USTA tennis association. Tennis became to be more than a passion to me it was even more than a hobby, I really enjoy spending time in the courts and listening to all my coaches giving me advice of how to get better. From my freshman year to my senior year I practiced tennis every single day of the week I could even on most weekends, I took lessons and I also volunteered to help coaching the 10 and under kids in the last summer with Coach Rene Ronquillo. I got 3rd place on my freshman district tournament and on my sophomore year got 1st place in district, I made the sterling varsity tennis team my junior year and worked really hard to be the in the top 5 of the boys ladder. In January 2011 I got the opportunity to go a whole weekend with the tennis team to Newks Tennis Ranch in New Braunfels, Texas. Which is a professional tennis academy and out of 70 players I got the scholarship for a tennis summer camp at Newks tennis ranch. At the end of the 2011 fall Team Tennis Season I was awarded as the player who made the most improvement to his overall game on the men’s team. I took advantage of the scholarship I got for the Newks Tennis Summer Camp in 2012 and came back and played all my challenge matches and made the number 1 player in the boys ladder for the 2012 fall Team Tennis Season. I was also named first team All-District for the 2012 fall season. In January 2013 I had another opportunity to go to Newks Tennis Ranch for a whole weekend with the tennis team and got the scholarship for a second time out of 74 players. Currently I’ve been playing mixed doubles and we got 1st place on our district tournament. Tennis has definitely made me a better person in life and I thank to all the people who have support me through all my 4 years of tennis in high school. I hope I can win the Jennifer Velasco scholarship because it means a lot to me and I have worked very hard to get on where I am right now and I can say that all the effort was well worth it.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Analyse The Assumptions Made By Liberalism And Realism Politics Essay
Analyse The Assumptions Made By Liberalism And Realism Politics Essay Liberalism assumes instead portraying lust of power as the international conflict liberalism fights for the basic rights of the people. It insists on pursuing the political reforms establish democracies. It emphasizes on the value of the free trade on the basis that it will help in preventing the conflicts between nations as it reduces the national selfishness and enhances the communication. Liberalism advocated the formation of the global institutions such as the United Nations which sees any threat to any individual nation as a threat to everyone. The institutions help in resolving the conflicts by mediating the conflicts in the event of any misunderstanding. Basically liberals assume that states will act in a rational manner and they are a unitary actor. The liberalists fell into three different groups as classified by the realists: The first group advocated league of the nations was formed with the objective to consider the attack on the nation as an attack on all. The second group formed the Permanent Court of International Justice that would lead to formation of judicial body capable of issuing justices to the disputes. The third group sort to avoid war by advocating Disarmament in [1] order to reduce the international tension1. The League of Nations failed to take appropriate action against the Japan or Italy for invasion, PCIJ failed as the major disputed were rarely submitted and the Geneva Disarmament Conference resulted in failure1. Realism (discussed later in the paper) failed to explain complex interdependence of the transnational relations. As a result various types of the international regimes were formed to govern the behaviour of different international issues that resulted in higher interdependence and lead to even higher co-operation (Neo-Liberalism). Often Realists argue that Liberalism prime focus was not providing the national security rather then playing with the low politics (such as in the area of finance, environment). The critics believe the global institutions often fail to provide the appropriate response for the aggression1. Realism Assumptions: Realism assumes the state as the ultimate power that is not answerable to any body; it can resolve the critical issues itself. The realists often believe that world politics is a zero-sum game; what ever is gained by one competitor is lost by the other. The realists portrays the international politics is the struggle among the states to dominate others by the gain of power, what ever actions are required to achieve the national interest they must be taken at any costs. The best way to maintain the peace is to be powerful. The states should increase its military power and align with the powerful states in order to counter any threat, to promote is national interest or to maintain balance of the power among the states. To the realists the economic power is less important then the military power. They believe that under the international anarchy the state should depend on itself to provide the security and wellbeing (Realpolitik) 1 and should never under estimate the power of the rival (that is it will cooperate easily). Realists dont consider the decision making as a social work and they ignore ones interest. The great rivalry between US and USSR to struggle for the hegemony is supported by the realist thought. Realism doesnt allow the ethical considerations to influence the decision making process. The realists evaluate the choices available for decision after considering the results of the action taken. Realists sometimes fail to explain the reasons for its own action taken for the national interest. The leaders were unable to justify that Vietnam War served the Americas National Interest. How do these two schools of thought (Liberalism and Realism) differ? The following points highlight the key difference between the realism and liberalism: Human Nature: The realists are believers of the pessimistic view that politics at the global level is driven by the self interest of individual nation, each nation should rely on itself for the national defence and well being 1 . It should make decision to satisfy the national interest. Where as the liberalism has the optimistic view that foreign policy decisions should be based upon the mutual interests of the people and can be achieved with the help of the international organizations1. Concepts: The realists portray the international politics is the struggle among the states to dominate others by the gain of power, what ever actions are required to achieve the national interest (that can be with the military influence). While according to the liberal theory explains that International Relations can be improved by the model of complex interdependence that can result in larger cooperation. The complex interdependence explains that the state is not the most important actor, the foreign policy decisions should not be made on the basis of the military power. The complex interdependence theory focuses that growing ties (that can be either a result of the trade between two nations) between two nations can make them exposed to each others activities and sensitive about their needs 1. Zero Sum Game: The realists consider politics as the Zero-Sum game (what ever is gained by one competitor is lost by the other; one nation can easily betray other) 1. Liberals dont consider politics as the zero sum game, instead of following the military methods they have the reliance upon the judicial methods to tackle the disputes. International System: Realism assumes that International System is anarchic that forces the leaders of the different nation to pursue self help principle (In the international anarchic system the nations must depend on themselves for their national defence and well being) 1. It assumes that chances of co-operation on the global level are very rare on critical issues. Even if there is co-operation then it can result in the relative gains (One participant benefits more then the other in joint effort). While in Liberalism the International system is struggling to be more peaceful. Liberals stress on the role of inter-governmental organizations in the endorsement of cooperation. Main Cause of Conflict: Basically Classical Realists believe the lust of the power to dominate others leads to the conflicts between two nations and ends in enmity while the neo-realists claim that cause of the conflicts is the anarchic international system1; each state should rely on its own abilities to survive. Where as Liberals believe in that realpolitik results in the conflicts. Also the conflicts are caused due to lack of the international laws to regulate competition (example arms race) between nations1. Best path to peace: Realists state that peace can be achieved by the balance of power if all states seek to increase their power preventing without being dependent on any other nation while Liberalism assumes that best path to peace can be achieved through co-operation through inter-governmental organizations such as United Nations. IGO such as UN help in mediate the conflicts between two nations in the event of any misconception. Also liberalism emphasizes on the value of the free trade on the basis that it will help in preventing the conflicts between nations as it reduces selfishness and results in effective communication. Organizations: Realism assumes the state as the supreme power that is not answerable to any body (for its internal affairs); it can resolve the critical issues on its own, without any external interference while liberalism emphasizes on the IGOs (Intergovernmental Organizations) in mediating the conflicts in the event of any misconception. Morality: Under realism the nations national interest is the prime objective. Classic Realists are the firm believers that the Leaders of the nation can often choose the wrong decision while the foreign policy making process if they allow morality to preside over the policy making process, they believe that the country should always follow the dictation of the power. Realists complaint against liberalism of its tendency to turn foreign policy in the moral crusade1. While liberalists advocate the importance of the people in the decision making process, the power of the ideas can influence many critical decisions. In your opinion, which one most accurately described the world during the Cold War era? Realism during Cold War: In my opinion, Realism most accurately explains the world during the cold war era. Realism accounts that the cold war was a consequence of the narrowing of the military capabilities of the great power rivals United States of America and Union of Soviet Socialists Republics that resulted in the hegemonic struggle between them. Both of the countries struggled for the establishment of the spheres of influence around the world. After the end of the Second World War, the global politics were dominated by United States of America (Unipolarity) as it possessed an atomic bomb while its rival (USSR) didnt. Truman Doctrine and Containment: The great rivalry between two nations started with the George F Keenans long telegraph to President Harry S Truman stating that America needs to assess the post war policy as the soviets had a feeling of insecurity to maintain power. The measures taken by USSR to strengthen their spheres of dominance ended up in the policy of the Truman Doctrine and Containment. Truman Doctrine stated that US will provide the military support to all its allies in the event of any communist expansion while the strategy of Containment stated the appropriate measures to be taken to against USSR to prevent its expansion or communist influence by using the threat of a possible attack by US1. Zero Sum Game: The race of the arms or the cold war started with USSRs accumulation of the atomic bomb that took USs Unipolarity away and ended up in Bipolarity. Soon started the nuclear arms race between Soviet Union and America and they started looking at each with a watchful suspicion. US pursued the Realist Principle of Zero Sum Game; the loss from one side is the gain to other in cooperation while USSR followed the balance of the power realist principle. Bipolar Nature and Nuclear Weapons: Many Realists attributes the absence of war to the bi-polar nature of the postwar global system which is less war-prone then the multi-polar system during the world-war 2. In the multi-power global system the states often underestimate the comparative power of the opponent. Some realists also concluded that nuclear weapons had played a significant role in the preservation of the peace during the cold 1. National Interest: Under the realism the state was the most important actor and nations interest was the top priority. When the Soviet invaded Afghanistan, US President Jimmy Carter came up with Carter Doctrine under which America will use its military forces in order to protect its oil supplies from the gulf (which was nations top interest) 1. Also as per Reagan Doctrine, US provided support to the insurgents to overthrow the soviet supported governments in countries like Afghanistan (US supported AL-QAEDA). Power Politics: In the late 1980s the Soviet Policies can be seen as realistic theories, Moscow tried to increase its influence on the third world and it tried to suppress the rebellions against the government in Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Military Power vs. Economic Power: As per the realist assumption, to USSR economic power was less important then military power, this resulted in the destruction of the soviet economy because of its long pursuit to seek balance of power. During the cold the Soviet Union was involved in the constant production of the arms to increase its military power to boost national security in the even of an attack from America. Brezhnev was to slow to identify the countrys economic problem and was reluctant to take necessary measure to tackle it1. Out of Liberalism and Realism which one most accurately describes the world we live in today? Liberalism in present life: Liberalism most accurately defines the world that we live in today. Liberalism has the belief that change in the global politics can be engineered by human choices. The idea for the liberalism started in the 19th century in Europe then it spread slowly and steadily across the world that we live in today. The USSR dissolution in 1991 was due to the influence of the liberal ideas by Mikhail Gorbachev. Liberalism advocates the free trade between nations which further results in the complex interdependence. United States is a liberal country, founded on the basis of free market and morality. Liberalism advocated the formation of the global institutions/ inter-governmental organizations such as the United Nations, International Criminal Court which sees any threat to any individual nation as a threat to everyone. The institutions help in resolving the conflicts by mediating the conflicts in the event of any misunderstanding. IGO such as United Nations have driv en community of the peace loving countries. Countries can collectively response through the multi lateral actions to tackle any tough situation. Trade: The liberal theory emphasizes on the trade thus helps in preventing disputes from escalating to the wars, increase inter-dependence and it increases the communication between two countries thus reducing the misconceptions (if any). The commercial liberalism (which advocates the free markets principles) has resulted in Liberal International Economic Order between the regimes. Many new trade agreements like NAFTA, FTAA, ASEAN, EU (under the liberalising rules of the World Trade Organization) have resulted in many positive have resulted in making the world more globalized. Trade had helped in improving the economic condition of the global south countries thus leading the path to democracy. As a result of trade, global souths share in export products has grown from 10% in 1980 to 30 % in 20081. Multi-National Corporations Foreign Direct Investments: The political economy is shaped by the globalization of the production, the Multi-National Corporations (MNC) assist in the globalization of the production. The MNCs have resulted in the foreign direct investments (FDI) in the developing global south countries. In 2007, the FDI were around 30% to the global south by MNCs 1. International Law: Today the international law (UN) has started reviving its policies for the military intervention that it has the right to stop human genocide, suffering or the ethnic cleansing. It has resulted in the collapse of the old Treaty of Westphalia that no one can hinder in states internal affairs. Like the example of the rising terrorism in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan has pushed international law to rewrite international to permit the intervention in these countries providing a safe place for terrorist deeds. Many realists have tied up with the liberals in categorizing Iraq war in 2003 was an unneccary war1. International Criminal Court: To protect the human rights the International Criminal Court (ICC) was launched in 2002 as a watch dog on the human genocides or crimes. In many cases the ICC has pursued when States own court are unable to. The ICC indicted Sudanese President Omar- al- Bashir for his role in human genocide in Sudan1. Also the ICC tries its best to prevent the war by mediating between two states. ICC issues the sanctions against a country who tries to break the law (such as acts against humanity). In the event the sanctions fail to work then ICC is left with using the aggressive means (war). Arms Reductions: As per the realist theory the war is necessary to achieve the peace, the realists sought to increase the military power while liberal thought predict the more armed the state, it is more vulnerable to the war. The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty of 2002 has resulted in the nuclear arsenal of Russia and America by ninety percent. In 2005 the 189 countries have signed Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and 46 countries signed International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation to take new initiatives for nuclear arm control1.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Improving Youth Livelihood through Institutional Support
Improving Youth Livelihood through Institutional Support Strengthening Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions for Improved Livelihood Skills ACRONYMS ANDP Activists Network for Disabled People AYODA Africa Youth Development Association CLHE Candle Light for Health and Education CSS Central and South Somalia DFID Department for International Development DRC Danish Refugee council DRP Disaster Recovery Plan EBT Enterprise- Based Training EC European Commission IAS International Aid Service ICRA Islamic Childrens Rescue agency IBT Institution Based Training IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IICO International Islamic Charitable Organization ILO International Labour Organization IOM International Office of Migration MOE Ministry of Education NFE Non Formal Education NGO Non-Governmental Organization PEER Regional Programme for Education in Emergencies PIDAM Puntland Institute of Development Administration and Management SCD Save the Children, Denmark SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SOSTA Somali Skills Training Association STEO Skills Training Employment Opportunity TVE Technical and Vocational Education TVET Technical and Vocational Education Training UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund VTC Vocational Training Centre WFL Water for Life WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization US AID US Agency for International Development Fact Sheet Somalia[1] Somalia is situated in a place where most of the bordering countries are unstable except Kenya which has also observed post election violence in December 2007. It has border with Djibouti,Kenya, YemenandEthiopia. It has been in midst of a civil war since early nineties, the civil war has disrupted livestock breeding and agriculture which are the main stay of local economy. The major reason of civil war is due to the hidden interests of business community which is benefitting from the prevailing situation and other reason is clan based conflicts which are also at large. There are three main clans â€Å"Daroud, Hawaya and Issak â€Å".Somalia had an invasion from Ethiopian forces in December 2006 but now they have also evacuated but the fight is still going on between Al-Shabab and government forces. Puntland and Somaliland regions have declared themselves to be autonomous of the federal government at Mogadishu. Important statistics are as under: Area 637,667 sq km 246,201 sq miles, semi arid, 2% arable, 1.6% water Total irrigated land 2000 sq km in 2003 Population 9,558,666 (85th[2]) Density 13/sq km (198th) 100% population belongs to Sunni Muslim branch of Islam. GDP-PPP US $ 5.575 Billion (153rd) GDP Per Capita US $ 600 (222nd) Livestock and Agriculture 65 %, Industrial Sector 10% Services Sector 25 % Exports 65% Livestock, remaining fish, hides/leather frankincense (aromatic gum)) etc Foreign Remittances US $ 2 billion/year Internet usage increased 44900% from year 2000 to 2007, highest in Africa Urbanization 8% increase per year, one of the highest in Africa, currently 34 % population lives in cities. Literacy Male: 24%, Female : 36%, 14%, 22% of Somali children are enrolled in Primary schools[3] Executive Summary There had been number of stakeholders working in the field of TVET in Somalia resulting in different policies and guidelines given by the state governments, different organizations and donor agencies according to their own mandate. There was no uniform approach being followed by different organizations working in the field of income generation and TVET activities. I felt the need to have a standardized approach for better delivery in the TVET sector. An in-depth analysis was carried out on Overview of TVET management in Somalia, study of TVET institutions, Management model, a content analysis of UNESCO PEER assisted syllabuses and review of economic sectors and recommendations made after each part of this thesis report on each of these thesis components. , For this purpose I remained in Somalia from 12 Dec 2009 till 23 Dec 2009.Detailed meetings were held to discuss, evaluate and consolidate its finding after interaction with MOE officials, VTC managers, trainers, donors and experts from relevant technical and vocational education sectors. The thesis also discussed in detail valuable contribution made in the TVET field by other stakeholders in Somalia. The existing management system of VTCs was analyzed. A workable management model for a VTC has been worked out for uniform implementation. The TVET curriculum designed by UNESCO-PEER with the help of Italian Government has been recommended to all stakeholders to be adopted as standard syllabi for entire Somalia. Finally overall analyses of the TVET situation in Somalia have been carried out to give recommendations for best possible way for improvement in this field. The need to have overall coordination between all stakeholders for TVET has been highlighted to make any intervention meaningful and effective. It is expected that based on the thesis and the recommendations Somali Education Authorities and key implementation partners regarding the appropriate strategies to be implemented for addressing the most important areas in the field of TVET. PART I 1. BACKGROUND TO THE THESIS AND VISITS TO TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in conflict and post conflict areas is a critical component of the socio-economic development programmes as well as a fundamental component of reintegration. Acquisition of livelihood skills results in battling poverty and social exclusion in favour of self-employment. This helps to reduce unemployment, among marginalized population in conflict and post conflict countries. TVET acts for creation of skilled manpower that becomes self-employed and thereafter creates employment opportunities within their enterprises for others. It is within this framework that UNESCO PEER and other stakeholders like Diakonia and SCD has been implementing TVET projects in Somalia with the financial support of partners mainly the EC, SCIDA, Italian and Norwegian Governments. TVET curriculum/syllabi according to the market demand, training of centre managers, instructors and provision of support materials and textbooks to vocational training centres (V TCs) and initiation of standardized assessment and certification are examples of activities undertaken by UNESCO-PEER in Somalia. The syllabi and support materials so far developed have been popular with the users and a number of countries have shown interest to adapt them through the assistance of UNESCO-PEER. Prior to the civil war that culminated in the collapse of the government in 1991, Somalia had functioning technical and vocational institutions in Mogadishu, Merka, Biadoa, Galkayo, Wajid, Kismayu, Bossaso, Burao and Hargeisa that specialized in a range of technical courses and traditional trades at craft and artisan levels. These courses were properly managed by government and the youth joined these institutions and specialized in various courses that enabled them to earn a living. Most of these institutions were, however destroyed or run down during the civil war period. Consequently, the youth who dropped out of school or were never enrolled in schools at all, found themselves helpless without any livelihood skills. This problem was aggravated by returnees who also had no skills. The Ministries of Education in Puntland, Somaliland and Central South Somalia in collaboration with international agencies have played significant rolls in catering for the training needs of the youth and other vulnerable groups. 1.2 PURPOSE The main purpose is to identify and propose the best options in terms of training of youth for improving their livelihood skills through institutional development and income generation activities. The needs assessment of the VTCs was carried out to propose new skills according to the market demand. 1.3 OBJECTIVES i. To review the current approach to delivery of TVET and provide policy advice; ii. Conduct baseline study; iii. To Conduct needs assessment and skills gap analysis; iv. Review existing syllabuses developed by various stakeholders v. To study the management of the one Technical and Vocational Education Centre and on the basis of the findings recommend, the model to be applied to other TVET institutions. 1.4. SCOPE I planned to cover the whole of Somalia for my thesis but due to insecurity in the Central South Somalia, I was not cleared to go there. The research took place in the Puntland State of Somalia (PSS) and Somaliland. The research targeted the Non Formal and technical and vocational Education sub-sector using the IDPS, Refugees, Returnees, pastoral communities and ex militia as research subjects. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE i. It will act as a catalyst for streamlining the TVET sector in Somalia. ii. The need to have better understanding of the ground realities was brought out in the study for better decision making. iii. The requirement to have a coordinated strategy in TVET field has been highlighted. Better coordination between various stakeholders will contribute to optimum utilization of available resources. iv. Will act for capacity building of MOE, VTCs and other stakeholders. 1.6. METHODOLOGY A number of meetings and visits were held with different stakeholders, NGOs and UN agencies working in the field of TVET. This was done in close collaboration with the Somali Ministries of Education at various levels, and other stakeholders involved in Vocational Education. Vocational Training Centers were visited and interaction was carried with their managers, students and trainers to find out their potential, weaknesses and requirement for upgrading and other Livelihood Skills opportunities An assessment of the job market was carried out to find out the livelihood skills required in Somalia. 1.7 VISITS TO TRAINING CENTRES AND MEETINGS WITH STAKE HOLDERS Site visits were arranged by the field staff of UNESCO PEER in consultation with the Ministries of Education in both Somaliland and Puntland. My movement was however, hampered by the adverse security environment, making it difficult to visit such places as Galkayo, in Puntland and Berbera and Burao in Somaliland. Movement in Central South Somalia remained restricted. Site visits were conducted in Bossasso, Hargeisa and Borama as shown in the table below; VISITS AND MEETINGS WITH STAKEHOLDERS REGION PLACE DATES INSTITUTIONS VISITED GAROWE 13-15 Dec 2009 Ministry of Education Garowe VTC PUNTLAND BOSSASSO 16-18 Dec 2009 1. PIDAM- Puntland Institute of Development, Administration and Management 2. Dan Door VTC 3. Bossasso College of Health Sciences 4.East Africa Fishing Factory, Tannery, Radio and Electronic repair shops 5. Telecommunications offices 6. Puntland Hospital SOMALILAND HARGEISA 18-20 Dec 2009 1. Hargeisa Training Institute 2. HAVOYOCO 3.FAO 4.I LO 5. Save the Children Denmark 6.ANDP( Activist Network for Disabled People) 7.ICRA( Islamic Children Refugee Agency BORAMA 20-22 Dec 2009 8.AYODA (AfricaYouth Development Association 9.SOSTA( Somaliland Skills Training Association) 10 Dalphis Furniture Workshop Due to security constraints the following institutions which offer technical and vocational courses could not be visited: i. SIITCO(Scientific Institute and Information Technology College) ii. BVTC( Burao Vocational Training Centre) iii. Candlelight for Health Education and Environment, iv. GAVO NGO Berbera The meeting, which took place with Director of Non Formal Education (NFE) and other officials from the Ministry of Education in Puntland[4] to discuss the TVE, was very productive. The key issues like selection criteria for the trainers and trainees, adoption of standardized curriculum developed by UNESCO-PEER through out Puntland were discussed at length. It was apparent that the government was committed to getting the TVET Policy in place, it had commissioned Save the Children Denmark which had developed a TVET policy for Puntland and Somaliland and once established, future funding by donors would need to be channeled through the MOE for effective planning and quality control by the governments. A similar visit and discussion with the senior management of the Ministry of Education in Somaliland[5] covered the strategy, policy and future planning. Unlike in Puntland, the management of TVET was being managed within institutional framework. In the course of these visits and meetings with other stakeholders, I gained detailed prevailing knowledge about the TVET and Livelihood skills among other aspects of the TVET Outcome of Field Visits to Puntland and Somaliland.  · It was felt that the MOE officials need more capacity building before they can effectively handle or deliver.  · Similarly the VTC managers and trainers though very keen would benefit from additional training and upgrading courses.  · The VTCs need to be improved in every manner, from repairs of buildings to provision of training equipment.  · The trainee students particularly the girls are very keen to proceed with TVET and would like diploma and degree courses to begin as soon as possible.  · The UNESCO-PEER worked curriculum has been adopted by Somaliland with Puntland taking time to implement it due to various constraints. Trainees eager to learn new skills PART II 2 OVERVIEW OF THE MANAGEMENT AND DELIVERY OF TVET 2.1 DEFINITION OF TVET AND BENEFICIARIES According to the Guidelines issued jointly by UNESCO and ILO and adopted by UNESCO General Conference at its 31 Session in 2001 and recommended for implementation by countries according to their socio-economic status, [6]TVET (Technical and vocational education and training) is defined accordingly as â€Å"a study of technologies and related sciences, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to occupation in various sectors of economic and social life.†It approaches the target beneficiaries to gain quality training which can bring stability and prosperity in their lives through income generation activities. In the Somalia context, the beneficiaries of training for occupational fields, alleviation of poverty and empowerment include; out of school youth due to drop out, demobilized soldiers, returnees, disabled persons, young adults of 18-24 years, girls and women heads of households whose husbands have either fled the country or killed in civil strive, refugees and secondary school leavers. These categories of Somali nationals benefit from interventions organized by international and local non governmental organizations, UN agencies and donor communities 2.2 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TVET Organizationally, in both Somaliland and Puntland, TVET is regarded as part and parcel of Non Formal Education and is headed by a Director of Non Formal Education in the same way Formal Education is headed by a Director. It was not possible for me to establish whether similar arrangement exists in Central South Somalia. The TVET institutions in both Somaliland and Puntland are understaffed. Through National and Regional Councils for technical and vocational education training, the units are expected to: i) Plan and coordinate TVE Programmes, monitor supply and demand for goods and services, knowledge and skills in demand and approve new TVE Programmes, ii) Provide a sound financial framework in which TVE costs are shared among the government, industry, community and the trainees; iii) Establish a quality assurance mechanism that should enable the units to direct the following aspects of the TVET programme: Ø Quality admission criteria and standards which should be reviewed and evaluated periodically Ø Acceptable quality of curriculum and teaching materials Ø Acceptable ratio of teaching and training staff to learners Ø Staff qualifications Ø Physical facilities and layout Ø Quality and type of equipment Ø Trainee qualification requirement A theoretical organizational frame work is reflected in the organizational chart below Source; MINISTRY OF EDUCATION IN SOMALILAND[7] The units are constrained by the following factors: * Understaffing of the units makes implementation of the above functions difficult * Management and implementation of TVET is decentralized and left in the hands of various stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs and Government institutions. The State Governments do not have the resources to run these institutions in an efficient manner. This state of affairs makes the management and control of standards difficult in a situation where implementation may be determined by donor interest. The institutions lack strategies for sustainability. 2.3 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES From the discussions held between me and the Ministries of Education, some UN agencies and international and local NGOs, the following intervention strategies in Somalia were mentioned:[8] Programme proposals are developed by UN agencies and other stakeholders and their viability discussed with the local authorities who sign letters of agreement with the stakeholders defining their respective responsibilities; Multi-sectoral approach, where organizations form themselves into a consortium to implement certain programme activities or UN agencies in strategic partnerships Area-based approach in which local administrators are beneficiaries and act as beneficiaries and implementing partners at the same time Specific capacity building activities with local institutions During the various meetings and discussions, it was observed that no home grown interventions initiated by local authorities and implemented jointly with willing donors. 2.4 TVET DELIVERY STRATEGIES The methods of delivery of TVE in Somaliland and Puntland are still predominantly either IBT, Institutional based training, through full time training in establishments or EBT, Enterprise based training, in business establishments. The main differences being as shown in the table below TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF IBT AND EBT TRAINING MODELS Centre-Based Training Mode Enterprise-Based Training Mode 1. Recruitment of Trainees 2. Training in theory, practical and entrepreneurship (6 Months) 3.Industrial attachment (2 months) and contracts 4.Assessment of skills and products 5.Centre-based Certification 1. Conducting Training needs assessment 2.Designing appropriate syllabus 3. Recruitment and selection of trainees 4. Identification recruitment of host trainers 5. Training (8 Months) 6. Work-based self employment programmes 7. Enterprise-Based Assessment and Certification Source: Summarized from discussions with training management Discussions with some stakeholders and previous studies by UNDP[9] cited the following constraints in the EBT mode of training * It takes too long to conduct needs assessment and design tailor made courses for enterprise-based training * Limited resources and lack of program sustainability on the part of EBT due high cost of machines * Conflict between trainee needs and customer needs, the latter tend to command priority * Limited training capacity in the both personnel and learning space by trainee While institutional based training organized on full time basis requires a lot of resources and may ensure quality training, EBT comes in handy due to tailor made course. Full time institutional training may lock out young adults and working populations that need to study part time. RECOMMENDATIONS I. As a matter of policy , it is recommended that training institutions and the governments in Somalia consider adopting flexible modes of delivery based on part time participation, involving work and training as follows: a) Day release system-in which workers attend an educational or training establishment for agreed period in a week b) Sandwich system where learners-alternate between educational institution and firm, factory or other establishment c) Block release workers are released to attend a specific programme for a specified period. d) Open and distance education programme by correspondence 1. Local authorities in Somalia should be actively involved in designing home grown projects that address local need. 2. The governments and other agencies should work closely with host trainers for better standard of training through financial and material support including training and certification personnel. 3. Due to possible conflict of interest, local personnel who are identified beneficiaries should not act as implementing partners at the same time. PART III 3.0 STUDY OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES In order to conduct a base line study of the institutions visited and those which were not visited, a questionnaire was used and covered the following aspects. There was another detailed questioner of 15 pages which was used to collect the data and was sent to Prof Kim for review Name of the institution Number of trainees enrolled in each course Number of instructors in each course Qualification of instructors in each course. Machines available Training aids available New trades in demand New training aids / machines required? Trainees ending the course The employment status of former trainees Water, Electricity, Toilets Overall environment of education within the institutions Political stability, law order and other conditions required for education The majority of TVET centres did not provide the information required partly due to the limited time available to me necessitating obtaining some of the information online. Most of the information requested was not available online from most of the TVET centres but it was possible to obtain the information in the table below on the trades offered in the following institutions; TABLE 3 TVET COURSES OFFERED TVET CENTRE YEAR FOUNDED OWNERSHIP TRADES OFFERED Havoyoco VTC 1998 NGO-Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee formed in 1992 (Havoyoco) Centre- Based Vocational skills training in i) Woodwork (joinery and fitting) ii) Electricity iii) Metal work iv) Masonry v) Computer Studies vi) Garment making vii) Office Management Basic Literacy and Numeracy Enterprise-Based Vocational Training. Amoud Vocational Centre for Agricultural Technology and Environment (AVOCATE) 1998 Government- Ministry of Education i) General agriculture ii) Animal Husbandry iii) Food Processing iv) Marketing Burao Vocational Training Centre 1998 NGO-Candle Light for Health and Education (CLHE) i) Accounting ii) Computer Studies iii) Typing iv) Secretarial Studies v) Plumbing vi) Basic Literacy and Numeracy Berbera Port Vocational Training Centre 1996 Government-Port Authority/ UNDP Port Related Technical Skills i) Cargo handling equipment ii) Power supply and illumination iii) Diesel mechanic iv) Machinist course Other Technical courses i) Motor vehicle mechanic ii) Plumbing and pipe fitting/welding iii) Auto Mobile electrician course iv) General Electrician (house wiring) v) Woodwork vi) Computer hardware and maintenance Office-related Skills i) Secretarial Studies ii) Personnel Management iii) Business Accounting iv) Cost Accounting v) Business Management vi) Computer Applications Dan Dor Vocational Training Centre 2001 NGO-Dan Dor (Direct Aid to Nature Development Organization) i) Woodwork ii) Electricity iii) Metal work iv) Garment making v) Auto Mechanics Bossasso Port Training Centre 1996 Government in conjunction with Bossasso Port Authority i) Financial Accounting I ii) Financial Accounting II iii) Cost accounting II iv) Management Accounting v) Business Mathematics and Statistics vi) Business Law vii) Basic Economics IV viii) Computer Application ix) Management Principles Source: Information gathered from the field[10] The trades offered in the following established training centres are analyzed to illustrate vocational demand for some of the courses offered. TABLE 3.1 SKILLS OFFERED IN HARGEISA AND BOSSASO TECHNICAL INSTITUTES HARGEISA T I BOSSASSO TI Skills offered Skills requested Skills offered Skills requested Syllabuses developed by UNESCO Electricity Automobile repair training Electricity and cooling system Nursing and Midwifery Agriculture Plumbing Metal work fabrication Fisheries Beauty Saloon Basic Accounting II Carpentry Electronic equipment repair Plumbing Masonry Basic Accounting I Masonry Carpentry Computer Studies II Computer/IT painting and Art Computer Studies I Commerce Building and construction Carpentry and Joinery Secretarial Studies Electrical Installation Logistics and Storekeeping Garment Making ICT Hospitality Operations II Garment making Hospitality Operations Masonry Metal Fabrication Plumbing II Plumbing III Source: Data collected during the field visits UNESCO PEER developed syllabuses to meet demand but the following can be observed from this table: 1. According to the need of the market following subjects were developed in the two training institution not covered by UNESCO[11] a) Automobile repair b) Commerce c) Electricity and cooling system d) Fisheries e) Painting and Art 2. There is demand which has not been met in the following fields: a) Nursing and midwifery b) Beauty Salooning 3. In the UNESCO PEER study of 2002[12] demand was expressed for the following fields: a) Business adminstration b) Import Export management c) Vetrinary d) Well Engineering e) Salesmanship f) Natural resources management 4. Demand is determined by the following factors: a) Environment activity; pastorists need vetrinary services, communities near the sea and river valleys require fishing techniques and those in dry and arid areas require well engineering while farming communities will go for Agriculture. b) Skills in the market for formal employment c) Skills for self employment. d) Traditional trades such as carpentry, masonry,electrical installation and garment making seem to enjoy popularity but the new ones are yet to have a foothold in livelihood skills. 5. From the baseline study information received and discussions with stakeholders analyzed, the following situation still prevails in the Sub-sector: a) Somalia is fit for intervention in almost all fields of livelihood and skills development. The best way to intervene is through development of skills through TVET. This is the shortest way to both becoming self earning or getting a job opportunity. b) The TVET centres still lack qualified trainers, training equipment and text books in relevant TVET programmes Some of the available text books are still written in English and due to the low academic level of trainees, they cannot use books effectively while Somali translation versions do not exist c) The standard curriculum developed by UNESCO-PEER needs to be adopted in all VTCs in order to have a common syllabi. It will also help to determine a common grading system and the quality of the grading system will improve. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Planning for higher levels courses needs to be done for enhancing management, administrative and technical skills of the VTC managers and business executives by stakeholders. The following subjects which have been identified as creating skill gaps and which by their very nature should be used in regular full time training institutions be developed by UNESCO PEER which has accumulated experience in this area: a) Business Administration b) Import Export Management c) Veterinary d) Natural Resources Management e) Well Engineering f) Automobile repair g) Commerce h) Salesmanship 3. Issues related to management and inadequate facilities are taken up by institutional managers, who should develop master plans for these institutions with a view to making them sustainable. 4. TVET managers should work out a mechanism for getting some of the textbooks in specified courses translated to facilitate their use by trainees PART IV 4. INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS IN CAPACITY BUILING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES IN SOMALIA. A number of donor organizations, UN agencies and local and international non governmental organizations are active in supporting capacity building and other activities in Somalia. The information summarizes interventions and achievements. Some of the agencies may wish to partner with others for implementation of programmes. Due to time constraint, and insecurity mainly in Central south Somalia, this information was obtained partly online in order to ensure accuracy of what is reported. These activities for these organizations are summarized in the table below and reported in detail after the table. TABLE 4 ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE IN TVET IN SOMALIA ORGANIZATION PROGRAMME LOCATION TARGET GROUP RESULTS Present status UNDP Recovery and sustainable livelihood program- agriculture based skills CSS in middle Shabelle IDPS 3300 trained in Agriculture and book keeping skill 1350 are in gainful employment Consortium headed by SCD PETT Project Northern Somalia Youth, girls, women and other vulnerable groups 5500 trained in various vocatio Improving Youth Livelihood through Institutional Support Improving Youth Livelihood through Institutional Support Strengthening Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions for Improved Livelihood Skills ACRONYMS ANDP Activists Network for Disabled People AYODA Africa Youth Development Association CLHE Candle Light for Health and Education CSS Central and South Somalia DFID Department for International Development DRC Danish Refugee council DRP Disaster Recovery Plan EBT Enterprise- Based Training EC European Commission IAS International Aid Service ICRA Islamic Childrens Rescue agency IBT Institution Based Training IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IICO International Islamic Charitable Organization ILO International Labour Organization IOM International Office of Migration MOE Ministry of Education NFE Non Formal Education NGO Non-Governmental Organization PEER Regional Programme for Education in Emergencies PIDAM Puntland Institute of Development Administration and Management SCD Save the Children, Denmark SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SOSTA Somali Skills Training Association STEO Skills Training Employment Opportunity TVE Technical and Vocational Education TVET Technical and Vocational Education Training UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund VTC Vocational Training Centre WFL Water for Life WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization US AID US Agency for International Development Fact Sheet Somalia[1] Somalia is situated in a place where most of the bordering countries are unstable except Kenya which has also observed post election violence in December 2007. It has border with Djibouti,Kenya, YemenandEthiopia. It has been in midst of a civil war since early nineties, the civil war has disrupted livestock breeding and agriculture which are the main stay of local economy. The major reason of civil war is due to the hidden interests of business community which is benefitting from the prevailing situation and other reason is clan based conflicts which are also at large. There are three main clans â€Å"Daroud, Hawaya and Issak â€Å".Somalia had an invasion from Ethiopian forces in December 2006 but now they have also evacuated but the fight is still going on between Al-Shabab and government forces. Puntland and Somaliland regions have declared themselves to be autonomous of the federal government at Mogadishu. Important statistics are as under: Area 637,667 sq km 246,201 sq miles, semi arid, 2% arable, 1.6% water Total irrigated land 2000 sq km in 2003 Population 9,558,666 (85th[2]) Density 13/sq km (198th) 100% population belongs to Sunni Muslim branch of Islam. GDP-PPP US $ 5.575 Billion (153rd) GDP Per Capita US $ 600 (222nd) Livestock and Agriculture 65 %, Industrial Sector 10% Services Sector 25 % Exports 65% Livestock, remaining fish, hides/leather frankincense (aromatic gum)) etc Foreign Remittances US $ 2 billion/year Internet usage increased 44900% from year 2000 to 2007, highest in Africa Urbanization 8% increase per year, one of the highest in Africa, currently 34 % population lives in cities. Literacy Male: 24%, Female : 36%, 14%, 22% of Somali children are enrolled in Primary schools[3] Executive Summary There had been number of stakeholders working in the field of TVET in Somalia resulting in different policies and guidelines given by the state governments, different organizations and donor agencies according to their own mandate. There was no uniform approach being followed by different organizations working in the field of income generation and TVET activities. I felt the need to have a standardized approach for better delivery in the TVET sector. An in-depth analysis was carried out on Overview of TVET management in Somalia, study of TVET institutions, Management model, a content analysis of UNESCO PEER assisted syllabuses and review of economic sectors and recommendations made after each part of this thesis report on each of these thesis components. , For this purpose I remained in Somalia from 12 Dec 2009 till 23 Dec 2009.Detailed meetings were held to discuss, evaluate and consolidate its finding after interaction with MOE officials, VTC managers, trainers, donors and experts from relevant technical and vocational education sectors. The thesis also discussed in detail valuable contribution made in the TVET field by other stakeholders in Somalia. The existing management system of VTCs was analyzed. A workable management model for a VTC has been worked out for uniform implementation. The TVET curriculum designed by UNESCO-PEER with the help of Italian Government has been recommended to all stakeholders to be adopted as standard syllabi for entire Somalia. Finally overall analyses of the TVET situation in Somalia have been carried out to give recommendations for best possible way for improvement in this field. The need to have overall coordination between all stakeholders for TVET has been highlighted to make any intervention meaningful and effective. It is expected that based on the thesis and the recommendations Somali Education Authorities and key implementation partners regarding the appropriate strategies to be implemented for addressing the most important areas in the field of TVET. PART I 1. BACKGROUND TO THE THESIS AND VISITS TO TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in conflict and post conflict areas is a critical component of the socio-economic development programmes as well as a fundamental component of reintegration. Acquisition of livelihood skills results in battling poverty and social exclusion in favour of self-employment. This helps to reduce unemployment, among marginalized population in conflict and post conflict countries. TVET acts for creation of skilled manpower that becomes self-employed and thereafter creates employment opportunities within their enterprises for others. It is within this framework that UNESCO PEER and other stakeholders like Diakonia and SCD has been implementing TVET projects in Somalia with the financial support of partners mainly the EC, SCIDA, Italian and Norwegian Governments. TVET curriculum/syllabi according to the market demand, training of centre managers, instructors and provision of support materials and textbooks to vocational training centres (V TCs) and initiation of standardized assessment and certification are examples of activities undertaken by UNESCO-PEER in Somalia. The syllabi and support materials so far developed have been popular with the users and a number of countries have shown interest to adapt them through the assistance of UNESCO-PEER. Prior to the civil war that culminated in the collapse of the government in 1991, Somalia had functioning technical and vocational institutions in Mogadishu, Merka, Biadoa, Galkayo, Wajid, Kismayu, Bossaso, Burao and Hargeisa that specialized in a range of technical courses and traditional trades at craft and artisan levels. These courses were properly managed by government and the youth joined these institutions and specialized in various courses that enabled them to earn a living. Most of these institutions were, however destroyed or run down during the civil war period. Consequently, the youth who dropped out of school or were never enrolled in schools at all, found themselves helpless without any livelihood skills. This problem was aggravated by returnees who also had no skills. The Ministries of Education in Puntland, Somaliland and Central South Somalia in collaboration with international agencies have played significant rolls in catering for the training needs of the youth and other vulnerable groups. 1.2 PURPOSE The main purpose is to identify and propose the best options in terms of training of youth for improving their livelihood skills through institutional development and income generation activities. The needs assessment of the VTCs was carried out to propose new skills according to the market demand. 1.3 OBJECTIVES i. To review the current approach to delivery of TVET and provide policy advice; ii. Conduct baseline study; iii. To Conduct needs assessment and skills gap analysis; iv. Review existing syllabuses developed by various stakeholders v. To study the management of the one Technical and Vocational Education Centre and on the basis of the findings recommend, the model to be applied to other TVET institutions. 1.4. SCOPE I planned to cover the whole of Somalia for my thesis but due to insecurity in the Central South Somalia, I was not cleared to go there. The research took place in the Puntland State of Somalia (PSS) and Somaliland. The research targeted the Non Formal and technical and vocational Education sub-sector using the IDPS, Refugees, Returnees, pastoral communities and ex militia as research subjects. 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE i. It will act as a catalyst for streamlining the TVET sector in Somalia. ii. The need to have better understanding of the ground realities was brought out in the study for better decision making. iii. The requirement to have a coordinated strategy in TVET field has been highlighted. Better coordination between various stakeholders will contribute to optimum utilization of available resources. iv. Will act for capacity building of MOE, VTCs and other stakeholders. 1.6. METHODOLOGY A number of meetings and visits were held with different stakeholders, NGOs and UN agencies working in the field of TVET. This was done in close collaboration with the Somali Ministries of Education at various levels, and other stakeholders involved in Vocational Education. Vocational Training Centers were visited and interaction was carried with their managers, students and trainers to find out their potential, weaknesses and requirement for upgrading and other Livelihood Skills opportunities An assessment of the job market was carried out to find out the livelihood skills required in Somalia. 1.7 VISITS TO TRAINING CENTRES AND MEETINGS WITH STAKE HOLDERS Site visits were arranged by the field staff of UNESCO PEER in consultation with the Ministries of Education in both Somaliland and Puntland. My movement was however, hampered by the adverse security environment, making it difficult to visit such places as Galkayo, in Puntland and Berbera and Burao in Somaliland. Movement in Central South Somalia remained restricted. Site visits were conducted in Bossasso, Hargeisa and Borama as shown in the table below; VISITS AND MEETINGS WITH STAKEHOLDERS REGION PLACE DATES INSTITUTIONS VISITED GAROWE 13-15 Dec 2009 Ministry of Education Garowe VTC PUNTLAND BOSSASSO 16-18 Dec 2009 1. PIDAM- Puntland Institute of Development, Administration and Management 2. Dan Door VTC 3. Bossasso College of Health Sciences 4.East Africa Fishing Factory, Tannery, Radio and Electronic repair shops 5. Telecommunications offices 6. Puntland Hospital SOMALILAND HARGEISA 18-20 Dec 2009 1. Hargeisa Training Institute 2. HAVOYOCO 3.FAO 4.I LO 5. Save the Children Denmark 6.ANDP( Activist Network for Disabled People) 7.ICRA( Islamic Children Refugee Agency BORAMA 20-22 Dec 2009 8.AYODA (AfricaYouth Development Association 9.SOSTA( Somaliland Skills Training Association) 10 Dalphis Furniture Workshop Due to security constraints the following institutions which offer technical and vocational courses could not be visited: i. SIITCO(Scientific Institute and Information Technology College) ii. BVTC( Burao Vocational Training Centre) iii. Candlelight for Health Education and Environment, iv. GAVO NGO Berbera The meeting, which took place with Director of Non Formal Education (NFE) and other officials from the Ministry of Education in Puntland[4] to discuss the TVE, was very productive. The key issues like selection criteria for the trainers and trainees, adoption of standardized curriculum developed by UNESCO-PEER through out Puntland were discussed at length. It was apparent that the government was committed to getting the TVET Policy in place, it had commissioned Save the Children Denmark which had developed a TVET policy for Puntland and Somaliland and once established, future funding by donors would need to be channeled through the MOE for effective planning and quality control by the governments. A similar visit and discussion with the senior management of the Ministry of Education in Somaliland[5] covered the strategy, policy and future planning. Unlike in Puntland, the management of TVET was being managed within institutional framework. In the course of these visits and meetings with other stakeholders, I gained detailed prevailing knowledge about the TVET and Livelihood skills among other aspects of the TVET Outcome of Field Visits to Puntland and Somaliland.  · It was felt that the MOE officials need more capacity building before they can effectively handle or deliver.  · Similarly the VTC managers and trainers though very keen would benefit from additional training and upgrading courses.  · The VTCs need to be improved in every manner, from repairs of buildings to provision of training equipment.  · The trainee students particularly the girls are very keen to proceed with TVET and would like diploma and degree courses to begin as soon as possible.  · The UNESCO-PEER worked curriculum has been adopted by Somaliland with Puntland taking time to implement it due to various constraints. Trainees eager to learn new skills PART II 2 OVERVIEW OF THE MANAGEMENT AND DELIVERY OF TVET 2.1 DEFINITION OF TVET AND BENEFICIARIES According to the Guidelines issued jointly by UNESCO and ILO and adopted by UNESCO General Conference at its 31 Session in 2001 and recommended for implementation by countries according to their socio-economic status, [6]TVET (Technical and vocational education and training) is defined accordingly as â€Å"a study of technologies and related sciences, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to occupation in various sectors of economic and social life.†It approaches the target beneficiaries to gain quality training which can bring stability and prosperity in their lives through income generation activities. In the Somalia context, the beneficiaries of training for occupational fields, alleviation of poverty and empowerment include; out of school youth due to drop out, demobilized soldiers, returnees, disabled persons, young adults of 18-24 years, girls and women heads of households whose husbands have either fled the country or killed in civil strive, refugees and secondary school leavers. These categories of Somali nationals benefit from interventions organized by international and local non governmental organizations, UN agencies and donor communities 2.2 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TVET Organizationally, in both Somaliland and Puntland, TVET is regarded as part and parcel of Non Formal Education and is headed by a Director of Non Formal Education in the same way Formal Education is headed by a Director. It was not possible for me to establish whether similar arrangement exists in Central South Somalia. The TVET institutions in both Somaliland and Puntland are understaffed. Through National and Regional Councils for technical and vocational education training, the units are expected to: i) Plan and coordinate TVE Programmes, monitor supply and demand for goods and services, knowledge and skills in demand and approve new TVE Programmes, ii) Provide a sound financial framework in which TVE costs are shared among the government, industry, community and the trainees; iii) Establish a quality assurance mechanism that should enable the units to direct the following aspects of the TVET programme: Ø Quality admission criteria and standards which should be reviewed and evaluated periodically Ø Acceptable quality of curriculum and teaching materials Ø Acceptable ratio of teaching and training staff to learners Ø Staff qualifications Ø Physical facilities and layout Ø Quality and type of equipment Ø Trainee qualification requirement A theoretical organizational frame work is reflected in the organizational chart below Source; MINISTRY OF EDUCATION IN SOMALILAND[7] The units are constrained by the following factors: * Understaffing of the units makes implementation of the above functions difficult * Management and implementation of TVET is decentralized and left in the hands of various stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs and Government institutions. The State Governments do not have the resources to run these institutions in an efficient manner. This state of affairs makes the management and control of standards difficult in a situation where implementation may be determined by donor interest. The institutions lack strategies for sustainability. 2.3 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES From the discussions held between me and the Ministries of Education, some UN agencies and international and local NGOs, the following intervention strategies in Somalia were mentioned:[8] Programme proposals are developed by UN agencies and other stakeholders and their viability discussed with the local authorities who sign letters of agreement with the stakeholders defining their respective responsibilities; Multi-sectoral approach, where organizations form themselves into a consortium to implement certain programme activities or UN agencies in strategic partnerships Area-based approach in which local administrators are beneficiaries and act as beneficiaries and implementing partners at the same time Specific capacity building activities with local institutions During the various meetings and discussions, it was observed that no home grown interventions initiated by local authorities and implemented jointly with willing donors. 2.4 TVET DELIVERY STRATEGIES The methods of delivery of TVE in Somaliland and Puntland are still predominantly either IBT, Institutional based training, through full time training in establishments or EBT, Enterprise based training, in business establishments. The main differences being as shown in the table below TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF IBT AND EBT TRAINING MODELS Centre-Based Training Mode Enterprise-Based Training Mode 1. Recruitment of Trainees 2. Training in theory, practical and entrepreneurship (6 Months) 3.Industrial attachment (2 months) and contracts 4.Assessment of skills and products 5.Centre-based Certification 1. Conducting Training needs assessment 2.Designing appropriate syllabus 3. Recruitment and selection of trainees 4. Identification recruitment of host trainers 5. Training (8 Months) 6. Work-based self employment programmes 7. Enterprise-Based Assessment and Certification Source: Summarized from discussions with training management Discussions with some stakeholders and previous studies by UNDP[9] cited the following constraints in the EBT mode of training * It takes too long to conduct needs assessment and design tailor made courses for enterprise-based training * Limited resources and lack of program sustainability on the part of EBT due high cost of machines * Conflict between trainee needs and customer needs, the latter tend to command priority * Limited training capacity in the both personnel and learning space by trainee While institutional based training organized on full time basis requires a lot of resources and may ensure quality training, EBT comes in handy due to tailor made course. Full time institutional training may lock out young adults and working populations that need to study part time. RECOMMENDATIONS I. As a matter of policy , it is recommended that training institutions and the governments in Somalia consider adopting flexible modes of delivery based on part time participation, involving work and training as follows: a) Day release system-in which workers attend an educational or training establishment for agreed period in a week b) Sandwich system where learners-alternate between educational institution and firm, factory or other establishment c) Block release workers are released to attend a specific programme for a specified period. d) Open and distance education programme by correspondence 1. Local authorities in Somalia should be actively involved in designing home grown projects that address local need. 2. The governments and other agencies should work closely with host trainers for better standard of training through financial and material support including training and certification personnel. 3. Due to possible conflict of interest, local personnel who are identified beneficiaries should not act as implementing partners at the same time. PART III 3.0 STUDY OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRES In order to conduct a base line study of the institutions visited and those which were not visited, a questionnaire was used and covered the following aspects. There was another detailed questioner of 15 pages which was used to collect the data and was sent to Prof Kim for review Name of the institution Number of trainees enrolled in each course Number of instructors in each course Qualification of instructors in each course. Machines available Training aids available New trades in demand New training aids / machines required? Trainees ending the course The employment status of former trainees Water, Electricity, Toilets Overall environment of education within the institutions Political stability, law order and other conditions required for education The majority of TVET centres did not provide the information required partly due to the limited time available to me necessitating obtaining some of the information online. Most of the information requested was not available online from most of the TVET centres but it was possible to obtain the information in the table below on the trades offered in the following institutions; TABLE 3 TVET COURSES OFFERED TVET CENTRE YEAR FOUNDED OWNERSHIP TRADES OFFERED Havoyoco VTC 1998 NGO-Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee formed in 1992 (Havoyoco) Centre- Based Vocational skills training in i) Woodwork (joinery and fitting) ii) Electricity iii) Metal work iv) Masonry v) Computer Studies vi) Garment making vii) Office Management Basic Literacy and Numeracy Enterprise-Based Vocational Training. Amoud Vocational Centre for Agricultural Technology and Environment (AVOCATE) 1998 Government- Ministry of Education i) General agriculture ii) Animal Husbandry iii) Food Processing iv) Marketing Burao Vocational Training Centre 1998 NGO-Candle Light for Health and Education (CLHE) i) Accounting ii) Computer Studies iii) Typing iv) Secretarial Studies v) Plumbing vi) Basic Literacy and Numeracy Berbera Port Vocational Training Centre 1996 Government-Port Authority/ UNDP Port Related Technical Skills i) Cargo handling equipment ii) Power supply and illumination iii) Diesel mechanic iv) Machinist course Other Technical courses i) Motor vehicle mechanic ii) Plumbing and pipe fitting/welding iii) Auto Mobile electrician course iv) General Electrician (house wiring) v) Woodwork vi) Computer hardware and maintenance Office-related Skills i) Secretarial Studies ii) Personnel Management iii) Business Accounting iv) Cost Accounting v) Business Management vi) Computer Applications Dan Dor Vocational Training Centre 2001 NGO-Dan Dor (Direct Aid to Nature Development Organization) i) Woodwork ii) Electricity iii) Metal work iv) Garment making v) Auto Mechanics Bossasso Port Training Centre 1996 Government in conjunction with Bossasso Port Authority i) Financial Accounting I ii) Financial Accounting II iii) Cost accounting II iv) Management Accounting v) Business Mathematics and Statistics vi) Business Law vii) Basic Economics IV viii) Computer Application ix) Management Principles Source: Information gathered from the field[10] The trades offered in the following established training centres are analyzed to illustrate vocational demand for some of the courses offered. TABLE 3.1 SKILLS OFFERED IN HARGEISA AND BOSSASO TECHNICAL INSTITUTES HARGEISA T I BOSSASSO TI Skills offered Skills requested Skills offered Skills requested Syllabuses developed by UNESCO Electricity Automobile repair training Electricity and cooling system Nursing and Midwifery Agriculture Plumbing Metal work fabrication Fisheries Beauty Saloon Basic Accounting II Carpentry Electronic equipment repair Plumbing Masonry Basic Accounting I Masonry Carpentry Computer Studies II Computer/IT painting and Art Computer Studies I Commerce Building and construction Carpentry and Joinery Secretarial Studies Electrical Installation Logistics and Storekeeping Garment Making ICT Hospitality Operations II Garment making Hospitality Operations Masonry Metal Fabrication Plumbing II Plumbing III Source: Data collected during the field visits UNESCO PEER developed syllabuses to meet demand but the following can be observed from this table: 1. According to the need of the market following subjects were developed in the two training institution not covered by UNESCO[11] a) Automobile repair b) Commerce c) Electricity and cooling system d) Fisheries e) Painting and Art 2. There is demand which has not been met in the following fields: a) Nursing and midwifery b) Beauty Salooning 3. In the UNESCO PEER study of 2002[12] demand was expressed for the following fields: a) Business adminstration b) Import Export management c) Vetrinary d) Well Engineering e) Salesmanship f) Natural resources management 4. Demand is determined by the following factors: a) Environment activity; pastorists need vetrinary services, communities near the sea and river valleys require fishing techniques and those in dry and arid areas require well engineering while farming communities will go for Agriculture. b) Skills in the market for formal employment c) Skills for self employment. d) Traditional trades such as carpentry, masonry,electrical installation and garment making seem to enjoy popularity but the new ones are yet to have a foothold in livelihood skills. 5. From the baseline study information received and discussions with stakeholders analyzed, the following situation still prevails in the Sub-sector: a) Somalia is fit for intervention in almost all fields of livelihood and skills development. The best way to intervene is through development of skills through TVET. This is the shortest way to both becoming self earning or getting a job opportunity. b) The TVET centres still lack qualified trainers, training equipment and text books in relevant TVET programmes Some of the available text books are still written in English and due to the low academic level of trainees, they cannot use books effectively while Somali translation versions do not exist c) The standard curriculum developed by UNESCO-PEER needs to be adopted in all VTCs in order to have a common syllabi. It will also help to determine a common grading system and the quality of the grading system will improve. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Planning for higher levels courses needs to be done for enhancing management, administrative and technical skills of the VTC managers and business executives by stakeholders. The following subjects which have been identified as creating skill gaps and which by their very nature should be used in regular full time training institutions be developed by UNESCO PEER which has accumulated experience in this area: a) Business Administration b) Import Export Management c) Veterinary d) Natural Resources Management e) Well Engineering f) Automobile repair g) Commerce h) Salesmanship 3. Issues related to management and inadequate facilities are taken up by institutional managers, who should develop master plans for these institutions with a view to making them sustainable. 4. TVET managers should work out a mechanism for getting some of the textbooks in specified courses translated to facilitate their use by trainees PART IV 4. INVOLVEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS IN CAPACITY BUILING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES IN SOMALIA. A number of donor organizations, UN agencies and local and international non governmental organizations are active in supporting capacity building and other activities in Somalia. The information summarizes interventions and achievements. Some of the agencies may wish to partner with others for implementation of programmes. Due to time constraint, and insecurity mainly in Central south Somalia, this information was obtained partly online in order to ensure accuracy of what is reported. These activities for these organizations are summarized in the table below and reported in detail after the table. TABLE 4 ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE IN TVET IN SOMALIA ORGANIZATION PROGRAMME LOCATION TARGET GROUP RESULTS Present status UNDP Recovery and sustainable livelihood program- agriculture based skills CSS in middle Shabelle IDPS 3300 trained in Agriculture and book keeping skill 1350 are in gainful employment Consortium headed by SCD PETT Project Northern Somalia Youth, girls, women and other vulnerable groups 5500 trained in various vocatio
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