Sunday, August 23, 2020
MxPx Self-Titled Album Review free essay sample
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Explain the integers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Clarify the whole numbers - Essay Example All creators accept that instructors should utilize an assortment of portrayals and even some generally offbeat devices. Following is the clarification of different methodologies towards showing arithmetic in schools. Mental science, connecting solid shapes, drawings, mental pictures, solid materials, conditions, base-ten squares, PC projects would all be able to be utilized with the objective of understudies to discover the portrayals they actually can control (truly as well as intellectually) without breaking a sweat and significance. By picking the portrayal that speaks to how they actually figure, understudies can connect importance to the circumstance and it turns out to be progressively available. Guardians ought to likewise become familiar with their childrens learning style regardless of whether it varies from their own. Guardians are likewise urged to imagine they appreciate arithmetic and can do them too and anyone (Dedyna, 2002, Press). For Thompson, probably the least complex methods of training jargon is to clarify the ideas first, and afterward join the term to it. This technique can be utilized related to historical backgrounds (word inceptions) since when understudies know these roots, they can make associations between basic English words with which they are recognizable and science terms. After the space race center, specialists worldwide have over the most recent twenty years showed us a ton about childrens comprehension of numeracy and how they come to build up these thoughts. Youthful Love edge (2002) caused to notice the way that a considerable lot of the understandings youngsters had on entering school were not all around coordinated to the educational program and what they were instructed. Baroody et al (2005) makes reference to crafted by ten unique scientists or research bunches who helped the comprehension of childrens numerical speculation over the most recent twenty years. Youthful Love edge (2005) recognized that educators in Australia and United States that were given a system, were better capable encourage their understudies learning. She esteemed crafted by Fuson and Renick in the United
Friday, July 10, 2020
Essay Topics for College Writing Programs
Essay Topics for College Writing ProgramsEvery college writing program should include essay topics in the curriculum, whether it is a general education or specialized course. Many types of literature can be investigated for essay topics, and the more diverse the topic the better. You will get more out of the experience and exposure to different writers than you would if you wrote about something that you read in one of the popular novels.There are some specific ones you can study. The first is fiction, where you can analyze and critique the various genres of fiction. If you have ever read some of the masterpieces written by Faulkner, James Joyce, and John Fowles, you may already know this, but to quote Fowles once again: 'There is no plot, there is only rhythm.' The more you analyze fiction, the more you will understand the techniques and the literary rules, which can be used to improve your own writing.Similarly, there are some particular essay topics you can consider. You can pick topics that interest you and would be useful for you to write about. The possibilities are endless, because there are always new topics.Many essay topics are now based on current events, but you must realize that there is a definite difference between what has happened and what will happen in the future. You must think of your own interests and feelings and choose topics that are not far fetched or that can be supported by current events.Another very good subject to research for essay topics is American literature. For instance, James Agee was known for his penetrating critique of contemporary American society. You might want to explore the works of such literary giants as Allen Ginsberg, Richard Wright, and Toni Morrison. Others include the novelists Truman Capote, William Burroughs, Toni Morrison, and D. H. Lawrence.Some of these writers were much better known than they were then, and for this reason they may not have had much competition. So if you are looking for the same level of quality in your own writings, you may have to change your subject. The importance of the subject matter will also depend on the kind of person you are. If you have a long time writing desire and you just love literature, you will enjoy the challenge of tackling unfamiliar topics and doing it well.However, this should not limit you to merely composing essay topics about the American classics or the classics of other countries. As already mentioned, there are plenty of subjects to research, and you might need to cover everything from the Bible to Eastern philosophy. It all depends on what you are interested in. Do some research, and you will definitely find the topic that suits you.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Raising The Minimum Wage Increase Essay - 897 Words
Analysis of Policy There have been discussions about whether to raise the minimum wage to either $9.00, $10.10, or $15.00 per hour. The minimum wage increase is supposed to be the first step to solving the income inequality problem in America and a step towards economic growth in America, by helping to stimulate the economy. Research into the effects of the wage increase shows, to me, that a higher minimum wage does not cause a drastic change in unemployment. It does increase productivity, and will address the growing problem of rising income inequality. I have included both the positive and negative sides to increasing the minimum wage, within this paper. Heather Boushey, Executive Director and Chief Economist said, â€Å"The best way to fight poverty is to make sure people have jobs with decent wages that put them above the poverty line (Boushey, 2014).†Meaning that raising the minimum wage would help to reduce poverty. Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour will reduce the poverty rate for non-elderly Americans to 15.8 percent from current 17.5 percent (Boushey, 2014). This increase would bring about 6.8 million people out of poverty. Concurrently, a 2015 Purdue University study found that raising the wage of fast food restaurant employees to $15 per hour would result in a price increase of 4.3% and 25% respectively, or a reduction in product size between 12% and 70 (Boushey, 2014). NBC News found that the price of a cup of coffee went up by 10% to 20% in Oakland,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Raising Minimum Wage Increases Unemployment1420 Words  | 6 Pageshelps families make ends meet like higher wages. †¦ And to everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.†-–President Obama, State of the Union address, Jan. 20, 2015 President Barack Obama is renewing his call to raise the minimum wage to $10.10. During a speech at a manufacturingRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage Increase On Employment And Family Income Essay877 Words  | 4 PagesRaising the minimum wage America’s economy is built upon the free enterprise system which operates according to five principles: the freedom to choose our businesses, right to private property, profit motive, competition, and consumer freedom. This system allows pricing of goods and services and employee wages to be determined by the market. Raising the minimum wage will adversely affect the pricing of consumer goods and employee wages and can temporarily disrupt our economic system. According toRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage Should Not Increase The Value Of The Worker s Labor1280 Words  | 6 PagesRaising the minimum wage does not increase the value of the worker s labor. It increases the cost of the worker s labor. And as everyone knows, the more something costs, the less of it we buy...†(Antony Davies, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics at Duquesne University, and James R. Harrigan, PhD, Senior Fellow at the Institute of Political Economy at Utah State University). In this day and age, the federal minimum wage is a very prevalent topic among Americans. Should it be raised? Or willRead MoreRaising the Minimum Wage: A Counter-Intuitive Solution Essay753 Words  | 4 PagesWhile some believe that raising the minimum wage will resolve poverty issues and lack of pay with the signing of legislation, the raising of the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour (as advocated by President Obama and the Democrats) would cause the poverty issue to be worse than it already is; inflation would occur, employees would be laid off, and minimum wage employees would lose welfare benefits, thus offsetting the wage increase. The Government should consider the effects on the American economy asRead MoreMinimum Wage Laws For The United States Essay1742 Words  | 7 PagesThe minimum wage is the mandated price floor paid on hourly or daily basis for the employees regulated by the government or the union. In â€Å"Federal Minimum Wage†, New Zealand and Australia enacted the first minimum wage law during the late 19th century to prevent employers’ exploitation of workers. In 1912, Massachusetts passed the first minimum wage legislation in the US that was enforced for women and children, and fifteen more states followed in the next eleven years. However, the Supreme CourtRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised910 Words  | 4 Pagesmaximize the American Dream on the minimum wage†(Benjamin Todd Jealous). In 1938, minimum wage was created by the federal government in order to protect workers by ensuring a minimum of twenty-five cents per hour worked. Though President Roosevelt had the right idea in protecting the workforce, something needs to be done to ensure that Americans are getting a reasonable amount of money for the amount of hours they have worked. As Benjamin Todd Jealous stated, minimum wage is not enough for the averageRead MoreMinimum Wage And The Wage Essay1204 Words  | 5 PagesThe minimum wage is one of the most controversial issues on our country, which is United States has been facing last ten years. There have been never ending debates over this issue until the government, company, and others party stand together, and raise the minimum wage throughout the nations. There are communities that believe raise the minimum wage has negative impact of every sector of the country. Other communities have different beliefs over the issue, raising the minimum wage helps the poorRead MoreEffects of Increasing Minimum Wage Essay988 Words  | 4 PagesThe idea of having a federal minimum wage is a good one. The idea is to protect low and unskilled workers from discrimination and allow all workers to earn a living wage. The recent debate on the floor, though, is whether or not to raise the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour up to $10.10 per hour. President Barack Obama made this proposal during his annual State of the Union Address on January 28, and following this there were many hot debates about it. The debates focused not only onRead MoreRaising The Federal Minimum Wage889 Words  | 4 Pageshow raising the federal minimum wage would positively effect the economy. In doing so, I will be discussing how an increase in the federal minimum wage would make a vast improvement on the way many low income families live, and also how raising the federal minimum wage would boost the economy as it desperately needs. In raising the federal minimum wage, one might argue that it would cause a spike in the unemployment rate. The reasoning is that it would force employers to balance the increase in wagesRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate870 Words  | 4 PagesThe minimum wage debate has recently made a large comeback in United States politics. Contemporary studies show over 3.8 million Americans are paid at or below minimum wage (Dickinson 33). Many have looked skeptically back on past wage systems and have questioned wage’s relationship to current market inflation. In response to this inquiry, a large majority of the general population, relatively unrelated to their degree of income, support legislation to increase the minimum. However, the issue has
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Causes And Effect Of Breast Cancer - 1525 Words
We all know that there are many life-threatening factors in our worldâ€â€some that we have control of and others that are out of our hands. Some of these factors happen instantly, like a car-crash, and others develop over time, like cancer. Cancer is one leading cause of deaths in the United States. One population that is greatly affected by this illness is women suffering from breast cancer. Breast cancer can take a huge toll on a woman’s physical health, as well as emotional and mental health. Many women have trouble adjusting to chemotherapy, hospitals, the impact on family relationships, and the fact that they are faced with possible death. These factors can cause depression, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, and physical pain. Luckily, there are resources for women going through breast cancer to regain happiness and motivation to beat the disease. Oncology counselors commonly use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and group therapy to help patients’ symptoms of depression and stress. CBT and group therapies are found to be effective for breast cancer patients. Breast cancer and its treatments can decrease the overall quality of life of a woman. Quality of life (QoL) consists of one’s perception of their qualities, aspirations, and needs. QoL gets a little more complicated when it comes to breast cancer patients. Psychological, social, environmental, AND physiological factors all play a role in the woman’s health. The quality of life of a breast cancer patient is affected asShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatment or surgeries canRead MoreOnset of Breast Cancer1078 Words  | 4 PagesOnset of breast cancer: Introduction: DNA makeup our gene in each cell which control our functions. Gene which increases cell division are called oncogene,others which slow down cell division, or cell die at right time are called tumor suppressor gene.Certain changes or mutation in DNA turn on oncogene or turn off tumor suppressor gene to cause normal breast cell to become cancerous.the stem cell mutation are the actual root of cancer which causes cancer again and again we use different strategiesRead MoreBreast Cancer Is Not Just A Single Disease? Essay1486 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer is not just a single disease. It may come in different types. One particular type and the most common is the invasive ductal carcinoma or the infiltrating ductal carcinoma. This is cancer that invades the surrounding breast tissues as it breaks through walls of the milk duct. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is another type of cancer. This is non-invasive, meaning it does not spread to the surrounding breast tissues. Another type is the triple negative breast cancer. This happens whenRead MoreThe Death Of Breast Cancer1386 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer isn’t a death sentence as it was before. Women used to fear being diagnosed with this disease because there was no cure for it. Breast cancer has been around for centuries, but the advancement of medicine has increased the chances of survival, and in the future the improvements will be even greater. The first mention of breast cancer was documented in Egypt in 1600 B.C. It was considered a mysterious disease with no cure to it. In The Edwin Smith Papyrus, there are eight cases of tumorsRead MoreReviewing The Topic Of Breast Cancer987 Words  | 4 Pagesresearching the topic of Breast Cancer. In this introduction, it will include a problem about the topic and a valid solution in who to solve it. It also discusses the research and research methods put into this technical report, personal qualifications, work schedule, and lastly a table in which lists a time schedule in which this report will be completed. Introduction Breast cancer has a significant amount of impact on the women, men, and families it effects.Breast cancer is only made of topic oneRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words  | 6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when aRead MoreCauses And Risk Of Breast Cancer1026 Words  | 5 PagesCauses risk of breast cancer Breast cancer is a disorder that mostly happens to women, as for men it is very rare. BRCA1 and BRCA2 work as DNA but when they are not replaced correctly it can lead to cancer. When BRCA1 and BRCA2 is mutated, or altered , such that its protein produced either is not made or doesn’t function correctly, DNA damage might no be repaired properly. When you have breast cancer you can also be at risk of lots of other cancers. The process of BRCA1 and BRCA2 usually happensRead MoreUsing Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer1497 Words  | 6 Pagesabout 5 to 10% of breast cancer in the United States are due to inherited genes mutation. In other words, breast cancer is not always linked from a parent to child, only a small amount of people in the U.S. have an inherited gene. Genes are pieces of DNA that every cell in the body contains which includes the genetic code for your body. If there are any changes in the genetic code- DNA and RNA molecules that carry genetic information in the living body, there will be an effect in the function ofRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1052 Words  | 4 Pageswill develop breast cancer at some point in her or his life (Breast Cancer Health Center, 2014). I am sure that almost everyone has been affected by breast cancer in one way or another, whether they had it or know someone who has had it. My mom’s aunt had breast cancer, as did my dad’s mother. My great-aunt luckily caught it early on and had it taken care of. Unfortunately, my grandmother caught it too late; it had spread all over her body and eventually ended up being the cause of her deathRead MoreGender, Ethnicity, Race And Socio Economics Play923 Words  | 4 Pageselements and their effect on awareness, education, active prevention and early detection of cancer, particularly breast cancer in women. Cancer is a disease caused by a mutation and rapid division of cells. Cancer is a general term describing many diseases; essentially there is a wide array of types of cancers. This vast differentiation makes it difficult to combat this disease and similarly the differences among individuals cause the course of this disease to vary greatly, cancer effects people differently
Advice to Manufacturer MacTools Ltd Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Advice to Manufacturer MacTools Ltd. Answer Issuue The aim is to offer an advice to manufacturer MacTools Ltd about the presence of any liability on the part of MacTools Ltd incurred when their drill machine results in explosion and the following losses are reported. Aurora losses an eye Jessie glass vase (worth $1000) is shattered Law In order to establish tort of negligence, there are three conditions that are required to be fulfilled namely the presence of duty to care, breach of duty and damage being caused due to the breach (Edlin, 2007). For any manufacturer, a duty to care arises towards the customers on account of the latter being the neighbour in accordance with the discussion in the Donoghue vs Stevenson 1932 AC 522 case. The manufacturers on account of selling defective goods or having faults can potentially cause damage to the customers and hence the manufacturers would be expected to exhibit due care to prevent any damage to user or consumer (Davenport Parker, 2014). It is imperative for a tort of negligence claim that the manufacturer should breach the duty to care by acting in a manner which is not befitting a reasonable person as highlighted in the verdict of the Bolton v Stone [1951] AC 850. The standard of care tends to depend on a host of circumstances which includes the likelihood of being harmed, nature of the injury, underlying utility of the action which leads to the risk along with the burden on the defendant while observing the precautions (Gibson Fraser, 2014). On account of breach of duty, damage need to be suffered by the plaintiff which is recognised in a broad manner. However, a causal link is to be established between the breach of duty and damage for claiming compensation from defendant. This can be done by proving that had the defendant not breached the duty, then the damage could have been prevented. If the damage was not preventable even after observing the duty to care, then the compensation cannot be claimed by the plaintiff. Further, only foreseeable damages are covered within the purview of tort of negligence (Lindgren, 2011). In this regards, the egg shell rule is imperative which limits the liability of the defendant or action doer to initial injury caused as indicated in Nader v Urban Transit Authority of NSW(1985) 2 NSWLR 501 case. Also, when the plaintiff does not act in a manner which includes reasonable measures to ensure safety of self thus leading to harm, then contributory negligence can be used as defence for the def endant to limit the tort liability as indicated in Maureen Townsend v Phillip ODonnell [2016] NSWCA 288 (Harvey, 2009). Application Case facts Mulan has acquired a new power drill machine from MacTools Ltd. Mulan has extended the drill machine along with requisite instruction set to his neighbor Aurora. Aurora did not read the safety instruction and also did not use the protective use. She used the power drill machine for ten minutes. When she was using the machine, same time it caused explosion due to which two main incidences occurred. Aurora losses an eye Due to this explosion, the electric power supply was also affected and power got off. At that moment only, the glass worker, Jessie was making a glass vase which had a value of $1000 got shattered. The manufacturer company MacTools Ltd was aware about the fact that there is a 1% possibility that when the power drill is used for more than five minutes then it can result in short circuit or explosion. They did not share this information with the customers because recall of this drill from customers would cause a cost of $500,000 to MacTools Ltd. Based on the above case facts, it is apparent that manufacturer MacTools Ltd has duty to care for their customers/consumer on the account of the purchasing manufactured products. In this case, the customer Mulan has purchased the product from MacTools Ltd and provided it to Aurora. Hence, the duty to care of the manufacturer has also extended to Aurora. In this regards, it is the core responsibility of the company to tell about the safety measures and the maximum time of drilling to the customers in order to prevent any harmful incident. However, the company does not provide the essential information to customer Mulan and thus, Mulan does not extent any safety information to Aurora. Therefore, it can be concluded that this would result in breach of duty to care on the part of manufacturer and not on the part of Mulan. Further, Aurora did not use the goggles before using the drill machine which is her negligence as the instructions clearly mentioned the same. Moreover, due to this breach of duty to care and her negligence, Aurora got injured and lost one eye. Further, due to this the power cut is incurred and due to this Jessies glass vase got break. It is apparent that this damage is incurred due to the breach of duty to care on the part of MacTools Ltd. The loss of her eye could have been prevented if she used protective goggles and therefore, the compensation amount in the claim made on behalf of Aurora would be reduced by the honorable court after analyzing the portion of contributory negligence by the plaintiff Aurora. Further, Jessie is not liable to make any claim against the manufacturers in the accordance of egg shell test. It is because only the initial injury has been taken into account and hence, the financial injury (loss of vase) would not result in any accountability on the part of M acTools Ltd. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that MacTools Ltd is liable to pay the compensation to Aurora on the account of loss incurred due to explosion of drill. However, the amount would be decided by analyzing the contributory negligence of Aurora. Also, Jessie is not liable to make claim because loss of vase is not an initial injury under egg shell test. References Davenport, S. Parker, D. (2014). Business Law in Australia (2nd ed.). Sydney: LexisNexis Publications. Edlin, D. (2007). Common law theory (4th ed.). Cambridge: University Press Cambridge. Gibson, A. Fraser, D. (2014). Business Law (8th ed.). Sydney: Pearson Publications. Harvey, C. (2009). Foundations of Australian law (2nd ed.). Prahran, Vic.: Tilde University Press. Lindgren, KE. (2011). Vermeesch and Lindgren's Business Law of Australia (12th ed.). Sydney: LexisNexis Publications. Case Laws: Bolton v Stone [1951] AC 850 Donoghue vs Stevenson 1932 AC 522 Maureen Townsend v Phillip ODonnell [2016] NSWCA 288 Nader v Urban Transit Authority of NSW(1985) 2 NSWLR 501
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Progressives impatience with the Constitution Essays
The Progressives' impatience with the Constitution, their antipathy for checks on government, and their longing to delegate power to administrative experts all have had a lasting impact on today's politics, as Progressivism has gradually been carried forward in successive liberal waves throughout the 20th and now 21st centuries. The Progressives believed, by contrast, that this filtering of public opinion through political institutions had resulted in a stifling of the public will altogether. They believed that human nature had progressed to the point where democratic majorities could be trusted with more direct control of government and that the time had come to get the institutions out of the way. A few of the benefits progressives thought direct d emocracy would bring was give voters a sense of direct control, access to more information, and offer fulfillment of people's wishes . They believed d ire ct-democratic issue voting could deal with issues that ha ve not been discussed at general elections. The policy offered citizens additional and more specific instruments of political control during terms of office, particularly initiative proposals and citizen-demanded referendums to reject new leg islation or delete existing law. One major area of controversy deals with information, competence, and the quality of decision making. While representative institutions may indeed hold intense deliberations on many subjects, direct-democratic decision-making processes can also provide for specific issues the opportunity of intense and widespread public debates, during which citizens can become informed about controversial value and factual considerations. Yet as voters are often described as badly informed and incompetent, the danger of manipulation by resourceful actors (parties, strong interest organizations, corporations, and media ) is a major issue. Those who opposed direct d emocracy viewed it as significantly flawed . One flaw would be that public involvement would drop. D irect democracy best serves the interest of the people when most people take part in it. As the time required for debating and voting increases, public interest and participation in the process would quickly decrease, leading to decisions which did not truly reflect the will of the majority. In the end, sm all groups of people often highly determined to grind could control the government. Secondly you would have one tense situation after the other; there is no absolute guarantee that we would get a majority vote on most issues, not peacefully anyways. It can cause corruption and manipulation. With direct democracy in place, every individual can vote directly, creating room for manipulation and corruption, like what can be seen in indirect democracy. With the complexity of some issues, it would be eas y for one party or another to flood the streets with promotional materials to try and influence the way people would decide to vote. Another flaw is i t instills the fear of instability. In the past, there have been many situations when the consensus, popular vote was not the right one, which made civil rights immediately coming to mind. It was not until later in the movement that these rights would have passed a popular vote, but by employing indirect democracy with people who are able to see the bigger picture, there was a greater deal of security and continuity in the election processes, while a quick change is hindered and instability can quickly grow in direct democracy. After reading both sides and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Direct Democracy I agree with people who feel that Direct Democracy is the instrument of those special interest groups that have enough money to manipulate the political process . In my opinion if we had a do-it-yourself government ran by citizens threatens the interests of political, economic, ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual minorities. The minority groups would never be able to make change that would favor them, and many of the things that are put into effect through direct democracy would not bear in mind their unique situations. One of the biggest disadvantages with direct democracy is that most citizens are not qualified or educated enough to make a rational and good decision on things as important as laws and policies. While it may inspire some to learn, most will not and only cast their vote based on face value of the ballot.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Essay Sample on Design After the Internet Revolution
Essay Sample on Design After the Internet Revolution The introduction of the internet has had a huge impact on most peoples lives, a new source of information and communication, and for businesses, a new area of advertising, marketing and a virtual expansion of the shop floor. With the ever changing requirements of businesses and with all the competition that the global network forces on the market, becoming a part of the internet revolution and having a web site that reflects the services and calibre of a business, has become paramount for most companies. Because technology is improving all of the time, the competition has become fierce and the challenge for the graphic designer to use traditional design practices in a digital environment to create attractive and functional web sites has also become competitive. In the early days of the internet, web page construction was a relatively simple process. there was only one browser for viewing pages, and the constraints of the medium meant that the placement of small images in relation to text was the only consideration. As with designing for print, the graphic designers role is to create web pages with the appropriate visual form. Fundamentally the use of colour, text and imagery stay the same, but there is more to web site design than this. A designer must understand the possibilities and limitations of web design as well as the use of interactivity, where pages can respond to the viewers actions. All web publishing is intended to be viewed on screen. This means that the final outcome of the design may be altered slightly by the viewer, depending on which browser they use or by the set up or preferences they may have chosen for their computer. This becomes a new challenge for the designer because they must adapt to make the best of this environment. The most common factors that can affect the way that a web page is viewed are monitor resolutions and the size of the browser window, there are also differences in the way displays are viewed on a Macintosh and on a PC. This becomes a crucial factor when we consider that most designers work on Macs and over 90% of web surfers use a PC. Another key difference between design for print and design for screen, is that most print designs, i.e.. books and magazines are oriented for portrait formats, in contrast, computer monitors are landscape oriented devices. This means that many existing print designs do not directly translate into good web page designs. Although tall web pages can be scrolled, this is a poor answer to a design problem. A designer must be able to carefully plan and create a structured page navigation system and must understand the limitations of their works intended audiences, not just the possibilities. Interactivity is a key element of any web site. A designers role is to make the site dynamic and create an environment that encourages the user to stay and explore areas of the site that provide more information. Web designers must fully understand the concepts of interaction in order to use them appropriately. The simplest form of interaction is a clickable hypertext link, this provides access to a new page by clicking on the text item displayed on screen. A designer may wish to make link items more interesting by using rollover buttons. These work the same way as text links, but are more visual and provide more feedback to the viewer so it is clear that the item is definitely a clickable link. By using a second rollover image, these buttons may appear to change colour, lighten up or become depressed. Whichever form of interaction a designer chooses to use, the key goal is to produce a functional web site that is aesthetically pleasing and inviting to a universal audience. A designer may be called to work upon a varied range of web sites, ranging from educational, cultural and non profit making organisations to commercial and financial companies. Many companies who entered the cyber market-place early are aware that their original web presence may be out dated and require a fresh look. Due to new technology which now offers greater functionality and scope to web sites, the graphic designer can find challenging and varied prospects within the world of internet design. You can also order a custom research paper, term paper, thesis, dissertation or essay on design from our professional custom essay writing service which provides high-quality custom written papers. Here is a list of the most popular essay topics on design: 1. Questionnaire of design activities 2. Network design 3. How good packaging design increase product sales 4. Service design and variety 5. Interior design 6. Web Design for Graphic Design 7. Information Technology Design 8. Design Arguments History 9. The Seventeenth Century and Graphic Design 10. Business Research Design 11. How will the information help me as an interior designer? 12. The Pros and Cons of becoming a fashion designer 13. Design and Manufacturing in Industries 14. Transportation design process 15. XML | Applications for Business Process Analysis Design 16. Industrial design 17. Industrial revolution and its effects on victorian interior design 18. Designing Profitable Menus 19. Software Design for Telephone System 20. Importance of Emotional Response in Shelter Design 21. Language design implementation 22. Chip Design
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Benefits and Challenges of Globalization in Malaysia
Benefits and Challenges of Globalization in Malaysia 1.0 Introduction In this assignment, I need to discuss the benefits and challenges of globalization in Malaysia with relevant real life example. In addition to that, I also need to critically examine with real life examples any three pros and cons of FDI in Malaysia 2.0 The benefits and challenges of globalization in Malaysia 2.1 Benefits of globalization in Malaysia Travel and tourism According to Olivia Ruggles-Brise (2012), the World Travel and Tourism (WTTC) had invested in economic impact research, which assesses that the Travel & Tourism industry had contribution to GDP and jobs. Real life example: Based on the report that proposed by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2010. Malaysia is the 9th highest international tourist arrivals which had reach up to 24.6 million visitors to the country, increase 3.9% at the end of 2009 performance. Global marketing Pars Articles (2012) had proposed, due to globalization, Malaysia has relied to a large level on gl obal capital and trade flows to push its economy, which the computers and electronics are the main successful items. Real Life example: According to the Government website â€Å"Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation†2013 report. Malaysia had total trade grew of 1.6% in March 2013 which reach the value of RM114.94 billion compared with Match 2012. Health improvements According to Pim Martens(2010), based on globalization the health improvements had experienced in develop countries due to social and environmental changes, it more recent health improvement in developing countries which can broadly related to health improvements knowledge transfer and socio-cultural determinants. Real Life example: According to Christina Tan (2012), Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai represent The Health Ministry said that they will continue improve the new Kluang Hospital by providing more high technology equipment and upgrade the services of medical staff and specialists with the aim of i mprove the health care system in the country and reduce the infectious diseases. Allow higher education According to Anantha Raj A. (2011), In Malaysia, a lot of impressive change to the function and character of higher education caused by the effect of globalization and the development of knowledge based economy. The main trend is the reorganization and reform of private higher education in Malaysia to make it more global competitiveness. Real life example : According to Anantha Raj A. (2011), the increasing Asian countries with large populations such as China, Malaysia and Indonesia have been moving towards by the policy on globalization of higher education. The demand is predicted to rising from 1.8 million to 8.4 million international students in 2000. (Referred to appendix Table 1 shows the share of tertiary foreign students in OECD countries. 2.2 Challenges of globalization in Malaysia International trade : replica risk According to Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue (2013), there are no nation is self-sufficient in global economy, therefore international trade occur to sell what a country have and acquire what it lacks. However, it involved replica risk during international trade. Real life example: According to Yee Xiang Yun (2012), the price of a branded handbag (Burberry) is RM2,647 at Johor Premium Outlets (JPO) yet at Johor Bharu Sentral had sell product which is similar that sold for only RM69.90. Those replica products look real and it has their own ID card that same with the real one.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Problem Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Problem Resolution - Essay Example he first important issue to be answered is whether the position of an administrator has indeed the authority to approve any cancellation of privileges and credentials of a medical staff including that of physicians and the authority to approve their termination from employment. On a side issue which must also be determined but however must be answered primarily by Dr. Clark, is whether a chief of the medical staff has the authority to cancel privileges and credentials of a medical staff and to terminate them from employment of the hospital. These issues are important since the Dr. Clark’s proposed action is premised on his claim that he has the power to cancel Dr. Kirk’s privileges and credentials and also the power to terminate him. Dr. Clark also claims that this proposed action could be done if there is approval from the administrator which is given such great weight. Hence, an examination of applicable laws, rules and regulations including an examination of the hosp ital handbook or policy is important to answer this issue. The second issue is on the validity of the employment contracts which serve the basis for any physician’s employment. In the cited scenario, physicians are employed by means of employment contracts. Its validity serves as a basis for either party in defending a discharge or termination of a medical staff or the basis for a claim on the part of the medical staff claimant (Shepard, 2007). Hence, it must be determined whether the employment contract is in accordance with the Constitution, applicable laws, statutes, policies, rules and regulations governing employment in healthcare organization, to be considered as a valid contract. Otherwise, the contract may be declared void for being against the Constitution or against the applicable law, rule, regulation or hospital policy, and may not be used by either parties for their respective claims and defenses. Other relevant laws, rules and regulations would then apply. If there is a valid
Saturday, February 1, 2020
SUV Pricing for Environmental and Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SUV Pricing for Environmental and Safety - Essay Example Due to the cost as well as the safety aspect associated with SUV's the demand for these vehicles is slowing down. According to a study carried out by Cambridge Energy Research, the percentage of sales of sports utility vehicles dropped from 56 percent of all vehicles sold in 2004 to 53 percent in 2006 (Williamson, 2006). Safety Concerns: There is a misconception that SUV's are safer than car, however they are more dangerous and according to a government study, the occupant death rate for mid-sized SUV is 6% higher than the car and for large SUVs the death rate of occupants is 6% higher than mid sized cars or minivan (SUVs: Dangers on the road, n.d.). SUVs are not safe as these appear and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the government agency, has described two characteristics of SUVs and other light trucks that can increase the fatalities: rollovers propensity and crash compatibility (SUVs: Escalating risks on the highways, n.d.). Rollover is a major safety concern in SUV's. The main reason are these vehicles are heavier and ride higher than regular cars and these factors particularly the later contributes propensity to roll over in accidents and similarly the recent study shows that SUVs on roads are greatly increasing the dangers for drivers and passengers in other cars (SUVs: Escalating risks on highways, n.d.). Environ... Actually the government regulations for SUVs are ambiguous and these vehicles are categorized with light truck where the average fuel economy achieved by these is only 20.7 mpg in compare to 27.5 mpg set for cars (Environmental double standards for sports utility vehicles, n.d.). California along with nine other states has demanded to raise the fuel economy standards for these vehicles so that the environmental pollution produced by these vehicles can be minimized (Baker, May, 2, 2006). California is the first state who has argued in favor of toughest regulation on air standards and fuel economy. A car having mileage of 27.5 mpg is likely to emit 54 tons of carbon dioxide from burning of gasoline over its life time as compare to 100 tons from a SUV that has a mileage of 14 mpg over its entire life (Environmental double standards for sports utility vehicles, n.d.). Carbon dioxide contributes is one among the green house gases and it traps heat in the atmosphere (Green House Emmission, 2007). Should SUVs priced higher or lower to reflect their environmental and safety aspect A) Yes: Let us say yes, SUVs should be priced to reflect their impact on environment and safety. As we have already seen these have severe impact on environment as well the safety on road of these vehicles is not only pose a danger to the driver and passengers of SUV itself but to other driver and passengers of other vehicles especially lighter cars. The rising greenhouse gases are expected to raise the temperature from 06 to2.5 degree in the next fifty years. According to an estimate around 2000 people have been saved if their vehicles would have been hit by heavy cars instead of SUVs (Environmental double standards for
Friday, January 24, 2020
Martian Rocks :: essays research papers fc
H. G. Wells wrote in his book, "War of the Worlds", about Martian invasion toward earth. He mentioned, "No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water." Since then it has now been about 100 years Wells based his well-known story of human's first contact with extraterrestrial life. Now, in the 20th century scientists are starting to believe what was once a fictional story by writers now actually could be real, becoming the stuff of science. In 1994 scientists discovered fragments of meteorites which may in fact prove that signs of early life existed on Mars. Many of these meteorites are found in the Antarctica, extremely cold weathers aid in preserving and fossilizing the fallen meteorites for millions of years. In order for scientists to conclude that the meteorites are from Mars and contain signs of fossilized life or traces of it they must provide sufficient evidence to support their theory. Today, a meteorite from Mars is being closely scrutinized by earthly intelligences. The famous meteorite to bare significant signs of life is the Allan Hills 84001 (ALH84001), classified as one of the meteorites thought to come from Mars. Due to the atmospheric data taken by the Viking Lander spacecraft sent to Mars in the 1970s. The data make it possible to know that gases trapped inside the rock is identical to the Martian atmosphere. "It is one of only 12 meteorites identified so far that match the unique Martian chemistry measured by the Viking spacecraft that landed on Mars in 1976" Scientist believed that the ALH84001 blasted off from the surface of Mars about 16 million years ago by a comet or asteroid. The rock orbited in the solar system for a few million years and finally reached Earth about 13, 000 years ago. Investigation into the ALH84001 and the possibilities for containing remains of ancient Martian life was assigned to a team of NASA scientists. Dr. David McKay, Dr. Everett Gibson and Kathie Thomas-Kerpta of Lockhead Martin co-led the team with assistance from a Stanford team led by Professor of Chemistry Dr.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Leader Profiling – Leadership – Golda Meir
Golda Meir’s Determination, loyalty, integrity and conscientiousness were major leadership traits that will always be respected in the Jewish community. She was described as the â€Å"Iron Lady†of Israeli politics years before the term became associated with British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir â€Å"the best man in the government†; * Determination: the desire to get the job done (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir was determined to overachieve and protect Israel’s interests throughout her life, even throughout her childhood she organized a fund raisers to pay for her classmates’ books.Another display of determination was entering politics, a male dominated field, and being praised by her subordinates for her decisions. She was determined to lead a change and always sought after leadership positions. â€Å"Although she was born in Russia and educated in the United States, where she trained as a teacher, she arrived in Palestine when she was in her twenties and lived on a kibbutz. She immediately became active in the newly-formed Histadrut trade union movement†(Butt, 1998) * Loyalty – Golda Meir’s loyalty to Israel cannot be questioned.With her family fleeing Russia where she was born in 1898, to begin a new life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There she developed a passionate commitment to form a Jewish state. She worked tirelessly by raising money and used her gifts of charm and oratory to promote the cause of an independent Jewish state. * Integrity – the quality of honesty and trustworthiness. (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir saw integrity as the currency of Israel’s survival (Burkett, 2008). The way Golda spoke with her followers and involved them in decision making built a high level of trust and honesty within the Israeli government.Meir led by example; she practiced the same morals and beliefs that she preached. * Conscient iousness – the tendency to be thorough, organized, controlled, dependable, and decisive (Northouse, p. 27). Golda Meir’s conscientiousness was shown during her academic career, where she graduated as valedictorian. Moreover she has shown her control, dependability, and hard work On May 10, 1948, four days before the official establishment of the state, Meir traveled to Amman disguised as an Arab woman for a secret meeting with King of Transjordan at which she urged him not to join the other Arab countries in attacking the Jews.Golda Meir had many of the traits associated with a transformational leader, such as idealized influence, charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Golda Meir led by the rule of dedication to her country and her personal concern for all people are legendary. Whatever Golda Meir did, she did for the people, always listened to her followers and wasn’t intolerant of opposing views, she considered all options and whenever she had to make a decision she consulted with her team.Since Israel was established to be a Jewish state, she worked to improve the lives of her people; she created a vision for the young state to ensure that Jews across the world learned of her vision and take the necessary steps to achieve it. Meir was the leader Israel needed in a time of crisis, she was charismatic with exceptional rhetoric skills, and both attributes are crucial to political leaders. â€Å"†¦transformational leadership results in people feeling better about themselves and their contributions to the greater common goal†(Northouse, p. 00) Indeed Jews across the world migrated to Israel in hopes of living in Golda Meir’s overall vision of the state of Israel. Golda Meir’s ability to lead the people to their common goal while keeping a unified nation, not becoming power hungry, and always keeping what’s best for the country first, are the main goals and achievements of an ideal transformational leader.SOURCES http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/events/israel_at_50/profiles/81288. stm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Golda_Meir Golda Meir: The Iron Lady of the Middle East: The First Woman Prime Minister in the West, Eleanor Burkett, Gibson Square Books Ltd; (2008)
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Euclid of Alexandira - 519 Words
Euclid of Alexandria is commonly attributed to be the â€Å"Father of Geometry†and one of the most influential mathematicians of all time. Very little is known about his personal life because records from his era rarely survived. His estimated birth and death dates are 325 B.C. and 265 B.C. There’s no real consensus on whether he was greek or egyptian. Some people believed he was educated at Plato’s Academy, but his life and work didn’t take place in Greece. He moved to Alexandria, Egypt ten years after the city was founded and by then, Alexander the Great had already passed away. Euclid supposedly lived in Alexandria during the time of the first Ptolemy. The only thing certain about Euclid’s life was that he taught in Alexandria after Plato but before Archimedes of Syracuse (Bruno 129). During Euclid’s life, King Ptolemy started a research institute called the Museum. Euclid was one of the first scholars to be associated with the Museum and he taught mathematics there (O’Connor). Euclid was completely devoted to mathematics and his teachings. Euclid’s most important contribution to humanity is his Elements, which is probably â€Å"the most influential textbook in history†(Bruno 126). It’s the second most reproduced book in the western world, next to the bible, and the basis of elementary geometry. The Elements has thirteen books, with each book made up of theorems Euclid personally compiled. Euclid researched influential Greek mathematicians before himself and took the most
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