Friday, January 24, 2020
Martian Rocks :: essays research papers fc
H. G. Wells wrote in his book, "War of the Worlds", about Martian invasion toward earth. He mentioned, "No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water." Since then it has now been about 100 years Wells based his well-known story of human's first contact with extraterrestrial life. Now, in the 20th century scientists are starting to believe what was once a fictional story by writers now actually could be real, becoming the stuff of science. In 1994 scientists discovered fragments of meteorites which may in fact prove that signs of early life existed on Mars. Many of these meteorites are found in the Antarctica, extremely cold weathers aid in preserving and fossilizing the fallen meteorites for millions of years. In order for scientists to conclude that the meteorites are from Mars and contain signs of fossilized life or traces of it they must provide sufficient evidence to support their theory. Today, a meteorite from Mars is being closely scrutinized by earthly intelligences. The famous meteorite to bare significant signs of life is the Allan Hills 84001 (ALH84001), classified as one of the meteorites thought to come from Mars. Due to the atmospheric data taken by the Viking Lander spacecraft sent to Mars in the 1970s. The data make it possible to know that gases trapped inside the rock is identical to the Martian atmosphere. "It is one of only 12 meteorites identified so far that match the unique Martian chemistry measured by the Viking spacecraft that landed on Mars in 1976" Scientist believed that the ALH84001 blasted off from the surface of Mars about 16 million years ago by a comet or asteroid. The rock orbited in the solar system for a few million years and finally reached Earth about 13, 000 years ago. Investigation into the ALH84001 and the possibilities for containing remains of ancient Martian life was assigned to a team of NASA scientists. Dr. David McKay, Dr. Everett Gibson and Kathie Thomas-Kerpta of Lockhead Martin co-led the team with assistance from a Stanford team led by Professor of Chemistry Dr.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Leader Profiling – Leadership – Golda Meir
Golda Meir’s Determination, loyalty, integrity and conscientiousness were major leadership traits that will always be respected in the Jewish community. She was described as the â€Å"Iron Lady†of Israeli politics years before the term became associated with British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir â€Å"the best man in the government†; * Determination: the desire to get the job done (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir was determined to overachieve and protect Israel’s interests throughout her life, even throughout her childhood she organized a fund raisers to pay for her classmates’ books.Another display of determination was entering politics, a male dominated field, and being praised by her subordinates for her decisions. She was determined to lead a change and always sought after leadership positions. â€Å"Although she was born in Russia and educated in the United States, where she trained as a teacher, she arrived in Palestine when she was in her twenties and lived on a kibbutz. She immediately became active in the newly-formed Histadrut trade union movement†(Butt, 1998) * Loyalty – Golda Meir’s loyalty to Israel cannot be questioned.With her family fleeing Russia where she was born in 1898, to begin a new life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There she developed a passionate commitment to form a Jewish state. She worked tirelessly by raising money and used her gifts of charm and oratory to promote the cause of an independent Jewish state. * Integrity – the quality of honesty and trustworthiness. (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir saw integrity as the currency of Israel’s survival (Burkett, 2008). The way Golda spoke with her followers and involved them in decision making built a high level of trust and honesty within the Israeli government.Meir led by example; she practiced the same morals and beliefs that she preached. * Conscient iousness – the tendency to be thorough, organized, controlled, dependable, and decisive (Northouse, p. 27). Golda Meir’s conscientiousness was shown during her academic career, where she graduated as valedictorian. Moreover she has shown her control, dependability, and hard work On May 10, 1948, four days before the official establishment of the state, Meir traveled to Amman disguised as an Arab woman for a secret meeting with King of Transjordan at which she urged him not to join the other Arab countries in attacking the Jews.Golda Meir had many of the traits associated with a transformational leader, such as idealized influence, charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Golda Meir led by the rule of dedication to her country and her personal concern for all people are legendary. Whatever Golda Meir did, she did for the people, always listened to her followers and wasn’t intolerant of opposing views, she considered all options and whenever she had to make a decision she consulted with her team.Since Israel was established to be a Jewish state, she worked to improve the lives of her people; she created a vision for the young state to ensure that Jews across the world learned of her vision and take the necessary steps to achieve it. Meir was the leader Israel needed in a time of crisis, she was charismatic with exceptional rhetoric skills, and both attributes are crucial to political leaders. â€Å"†¦transformational leadership results in people feeling better about themselves and their contributions to the greater common goal†(Northouse, p. 00) Indeed Jews across the world migrated to Israel in hopes of living in Golda Meir’s overall vision of the state of Israel. Golda Meir’s ability to lead the people to their common goal while keeping a unified nation, not becoming power hungry, and always keeping what’s best for the country first, are the main goals and achievements of an ideal transformational leader.SOURCES http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/events/israel_at_50/profiles/81288. stm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Golda_Meir Golda Meir: The Iron Lady of the Middle East: The First Woman Prime Minister in the West, Eleanor Burkett, Gibson Square Books Ltd; (2008)
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Euclid of Alexandira - 519 Words
Euclid of Alexandria is commonly attributed to be the â€Å"Father of Geometry†and one of the most influential mathematicians of all time. Very little is known about his personal life because records from his era rarely survived. His estimated birth and death dates are 325 B.C. and 265 B.C. There’s no real consensus on whether he was greek or egyptian. Some people believed he was educated at Plato’s Academy, but his life and work didn’t take place in Greece. He moved to Alexandria, Egypt ten years after the city was founded and by then, Alexander the Great had already passed away. Euclid supposedly lived in Alexandria during the time of the first Ptolemy. The only thing certain about Euclid’s life was that he taught in Alexandria after Plato but before Archimedes of Syracuse (Bruno 129). During Euclid’s life, King Ptolemy started a research institute called the Museum. Euclid was one of the first scholars to be associated with the Museum and he taught mathematics there (O’Connor). Euclid was completely devoted to mathematics and his teachings. Euclid’s most important contribution to humanity is his Elements, which is probably â€Å"the most influential textbook in history†(Bruno 126). It’s the second most reproduced book in the western world, next to the bible, and the basis of elementary geometry. The Elements has thirteen books, with each book made up of theorems Euclid personally compiled. Euclid researched influential Greek mathematicians before himself and took the most
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