Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Television program
Disney has subsequently recognized the inaccuracy of the declaration of this program and has since then decided to restructure the projection. The author of the article had the intention to showing the fabrications of the media and the persuasive nature of these multi-billion dollar companies. More than likely the author has children of his own possibly possesses at least one Little Einstein digitally.The authors evidence Of Disney's claim that Little Einstein would make children more intelligent, which was completely false hence, the supporting studies behind it suggested that children 2 or less shouldn't be watching television at all. As the reader, a mother, and from a younger generation of parents all together, I believe that hillier that watch television excessively lack imagination and tend to be lazy.Educational television is effective but when we start labeling it to be the only type of way children can learn efficiently that's where we start failing our children. Only a fool would believe that watching one type of show would make their child some type of prodigy. If we really want our children to have their minds flourish we need to read to them whenever we can, play outside and nurture them in every way possible. No, television program could ever create that type of educational experience.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Types of Entrepreneurship
Types of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth DOI:10. 1093/acprof:oso/9780199596515. 003. 0004 Abstract and Keywords This chapter is an empirical exploration of types of entrepreneurship and their impact on economic growth in developing and transition countries. It relates indicators of entrepreneurship to average rates of economic growth in the period 2002–5. For this the chapter utilizes a dataset on entrepreneurship in thirty? six countries from the Global Enterprise Monitor (GEM), collected in 2002.It finds that indicators of young business activity have a significant impact on growth in high? income countries and transition countries, but not in developing countries. The chapter explains the lack of significant effects in developing countries by pointing to the lack of complementary physical and human capital and the scarcity of larger companies that can act as a training ground for SMEs. Keywords:   entrepreneurship, growth? oriented entrepreneurship, econ omic growth, global entrepreneurship monitor 4. 1 IntroductionEntrepreneurship has long been considered a crucial mechanism of economic development (Schumpeter 1934; Landes 1998). However, empirical studies on the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth show mixed evidence (Stam 2008). This is not remarkable because there is much heterogeneity in both the kinds of entrepreneurship and the kinds of economic contexts in which economic growth takes place. Until now studies have not sufficiently accounted for this heterogeneity on the micro- and macro-level, which limits our insight into the contingent role of entrepreneurship in economic growth.Important questions in this respect are: ‘How does the role of entrepreneurship differ between high-income, transition, and medium-income countries? ’, and ‘What kinds of entrepreneurship are most crucial for economic growth? ’. The objective of this chapter is to provide insights into the role of dif ferent types of entrepreneurship in economic growth, and on how this role differs in poor and rich economies. In this chapter, we empirically investigate the effect of entrepreneurship on economic growth at the country-level.We use data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which provides comparative data on entrepreneurship from a wide range of countries. An important element of this chapter is that we compare the effects of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth in high-income countries, transition countries (China, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia), and medium-income countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, South Africa, and Thailand). This dataset also enables us to make a distinction between the effects of entrepreneurship in general and (p. 9 )growth-oriented entrepreneurship in particular. We present empirical tests of the impact of entrepreneurial activity on GDP growth over a four-year period for a sample of 36 countries. Our empirical anal yses suggest that entrepreneurship does not have an effect on economic growth in medium-income countries, in contrast to transition and high-income countries where especially growth-oriented entrepreneurship seems to contribute strongly to macroeconomic growth. 4. 2 Entrepreneurship and economic development Development is a broad concept entailing the raising of human capabilities (Sen 1999).One of the central challenges in improving economic development is to increase the standards of living for individuals and growth of the economy as a whole. Even though economic growth in itself is a rather narrow target, it is probably one of the most important targets for development policies. It is also one of the measures that is most easy to access for analysts, and probably the best measure to make cross-national (Barro 1991; Sala-i-Martin 1997) and historical (Maddison 2001) analyses of the development of economies.Traditionally the economic output of a country is seen as a function of capital and labour inputs, combined with technical change (Solow 1957). Of course, conflicts and wars might interrupt this function (Sala-i-Martin 1997), but these are ‘just’ contingencies. The standard production function used shows that economic output (Y) is a function of the sum of labour and capital inputs, and the level of technological knowledge (i. e. productivity). This means that economic growthâ€â€the growth of economic outputâ€â€is a function of the growth of labour and capital inputs and technological progress.In traditional models of economic growth investment in capital, labour, and technology is sufficient to realize economic growth. New models of economic growth see these investments as a necessary complement to entrepreneurship/innovation, but not as a sufficient explanation for economic growth in its own right (Nelson and Pack 1999). One could even argue that high rates of investment in human and physical capital are them selves stimulated by effective innovation, and cannot be maintained in the absence of innovation.Recent studies emphasize entrepreneurship as a driver of economic development and some authors include entrepreneurship as a fourth production factor in the macroeconomic production function (Audretsch and Keilbach 2004). Entrepreneurship is the factor that creates wealth by combining existing production factors in new ways. Entrepreneurs experiment with new combinations of which the outcomes are uncertain, but in order to make progress, many new variations have to be tried in order to find out which ones will (p. 80 ) improve (economic) life (Rosenberg and Birdzell 1986).Other authors have argued that entrepreneurship will only unlock economic development if a proper institutional setting is in place (Baumol 1990; Boettke and Coyne 2003; Powell 2008). This institutional setting comprises informal as well as formal institutions (North 1990). An essential formal in stitution for welfare enhancing entrepreneurship is property rights. Insecure property rights have been an important constraint on the investments by entrepreneurs in transition countries, even more so than capital market constraints (Johnson, McMillan, and Woodruff 2000).A specific example regarding property rights is the fact that until 1988 private firms with more than seven workers were not even allowed to operate legally in China (Dorn 2008). One might say that the production factors capital, labour, technology, and entrepreneurship are the proximate causes of economic development, while institutions are a fundamental cause of economic development (Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson 2004). Next to productivity growth and technological change in established sectors, the development process in less advanced countries is largely about structural change (Gries and Naude 2010; Nelson and Pack1999; Rodrik 2007).It is a process in which an economy finds outâ€â€self-dis coversâ€â€what it can be good at producing, out of the many products that already exist. The role of entrepreneurs in developing countries does not equal innovation and R&D as commonly understood in advanced economies. Their role is to discover that a certain good, already well-established in world markets, can be produced at home at low cost (Hausmann and Rodrik 2003; Rodrik 2007).  Examples of this are the entrepreneurs that figured out that Bangladesh was good in the production of T-shirts, Colombia in cut flowers, India in software services, and Taiwan in bicycles and display technologies. Even if entrepreneurs cannot appropriate all these gains for themselves, their discoveries generate large social gains for their economies. Spurring entrepreneurs to invest in their home economy is said to be one of the most important aspects of stimulating growth in poor countries (Rodrik 2007). Investing refers here to innovation (e. g. mploying new technology, producing new products, searching for new markets) and expanding capacity. These investments trigger the combination of capital investment and technological change. In advanced capitalist economies, innovation and structural change take place through the combined efforts of small (independent inventors) and large innovative (organized R&D) firms, which complement each other in changing the economy (Nooteboom 1994; Baumol 2002). In developing countries the role of large firms is relatively small (Ghoshal, Hahn, and Moran 1999).In transition countries there are relatively many large organizations but these are largely in a process of restructuring and dismantling. This means that (p. 81 ) small firms will be the prime movers in the process of structural change in developing and transition economies. We expect that the level of growth-oriented entrepreneurship in a country is a more relevant driver of economic growth than the mostly used indicators of entrepreneurship like self-employ ment and new firm formation.In contrast to rich countries, entrepreneurship in medium-income countries is mainly driven by necessity (Bosma et al. 2008). 2 Most entrepreneurs in these economies do not start a firm because they desire independence or because they want to increase their income as compared to being an employee, which are the dominant motives in rich countries. Most new businesses in medium-income countries are started out of necessity, in contrast to high-income countries, where entrepreneurship is most often opportunity-driven.This is reflected in the finding that in poor countries self-employed persons are less happy than employees, while the reverse is true in high-income countries (Blanchflower and Oswald 1998; Graham 2005). Entrepreneurs in medium-income countries most often start a business because they have no other way of earning a living. These entrepreneurs are not likely to be involved in a process of self-discovery; their actions are not likely to have an effect on the restructuring and diversification of the poor economies (Rodrik 2007). . 3 Data and research methods It is generally acknowledged that there are differences in the distribution of entrepreneurship across countries. Studies exploring differences in entrepreneurship across countries often focus on the incidence of new firm registration or self-employment, which may not be reliable indicators when applied to transition and developing countries with significant informal economies and fewer alternatives to self-employment.For these reasons we have used the Young Business (YB) indicator, defined as the percentage of adult population that is the owner/manager of a business that is less than 42 months old. Many studies have used the total entrepreneurial activity index, but that also includes the more speculative category of nascent entrepreneurs (individuals preparing a new business). In the current study we investigate whether the presence of growth-oriented en trepreneurs is a more important determinant of national economic growth than entrepreneurial activity in general.We will perform regression analyses with the YB high-growth expectation rate and the YB medium-growth expectation rate as independent variables and compare their impact on economic growth with the impact of the general YB index. The data and model used in this study are described below. We use a sample of 36 countries participating in the GEM in 2002. Data on six basic variables are used in our model: YB rate, YB medium-growth, YB (p. 82 ) high-growth, growth of GDP, per capita income, and the growth competitiveness index (GCI). YB indexYB is defined as the percentage of adult population that is owner/manager of a business that is less than 42 months old. The YB high-(medium) growth expectation rate is defined as the percentage of adult population that is owner/manager of a business that is less than 42 months old, and expects to employ 20 (six) emplo yees or more within five years (YB6 and YB20). The YB medium-growth rate has some similarity to the entrepreneurship indicator used by Djankov et al. (2006), which includes owner-managers of a business with five or more employees. Data on the YB rate are taken from the GEM Adult Population Survey for 2002.Growth of GDP (? GDP) (Real) GDP growth rates are taken from the IMF World Economic Outlook database of the International Monetary Fund from September 2005. In equations (1) and (2) below variable ? GDPit refers to the period 2002–5 (average annual growth) while the lagged GDP growth variable (? GDPi,t-1) refers to the period 1998–2001. Per capita income (GNIC) Most studies on GDP growth include the initial level of income in their analysis and find it to be significant (the conditional convergence effect, cf. Abramovitz 1986). Gross national income per capita 2001 is expressed in (thousands of) PPP dollars.These data are taken from the 2002 World Development Indicators database of the World Bank. Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) In order to cover some aspects of the state of technology and institutions in a country (see Section 4. 2) we used the GCI for the year 2001 of the World Economic Forum (see McArthur and Sachs 2002). Given the low number of observations we are forced to use a combined index in our model. Even though there are huge problems in measuring technological capabilities and institutions (see Lall2001), the composite GCI is probably the best combined index available that covers these two factors simultaneously. p. 83 ) We investigate whether (growth-oriented) entrepreneurship may be considered as a determinant of economic growth, alongside the well-known determinants technology, institutions, and the macroeconomic environment, which are captured by the GCI. As both entrepreneurship and the factors underlying the GCI are assumed to be structural characteristics of an economy, we do not want to explain short-te rm economic growth but rather growth in the medium-term. Therefore we choose average annual growth over a period of four years (2002–5) as the dependent variable in this study.Following van Stel, Carree, and Thurik (2005), we use (the log of) initial income-level of countries to correct for catch-up effects, and lagged growth of GDP to correct for reversed causality effects, as additional control variables. 3 We allow for the possibility of different effects for high-income, transition, and medium-income countries. In addition we also test whether the effect of YB is different for transition countries. 4 YB rates may reflect different types of entrepreneurs in countries with different development levels, implying different impacts on growth.This is tested by defining separate YB variables for different groups of countries (high-income, transition, and medium-income countries). Our model is represented by equations (1) and (2). These equations are estimated separately by or dinary least squares. The expectation that growth-oriented YBs contribute more to national economic growth than YBs in general corresponds to b2 (c2) being larger than b1 (c1). In these equations sub-scripts t and t-1 loosely indicate that the independent variables are measured prior to the dependent variable.The exact years and periods for which the variables are measured can be found in the variable description above. ?GDPit=a+b1YBrichi,t? 1+c1YBtransitioni,t? 1+d1YBpoori,t? 1 +e? log(GNICi,t? 1)+f? GCIi,t? 1+g GDPi,t? 1+? it (1) ?GDPit=a+b2YB_high-growthrichi,t? 1+c2YB_high-growthtransitioni,t? 1+d2YB_high-growthpoori,t? 1+e? log(GNICi,t? 1)+f? GCIi,t? 1+g GDPi,t? 1+? it (2) To illustrate the data at hand, Table 4. 1 provides the YB rates and the YB medium- and high-growth rates in 2002 as well as the average annual growth rates of GDP over the period 2002–5.From Table 4. 1 and Figures 4. 1 and 4. 2 it can be seen that the ranking of countries in terms of YB or YB high-growth may be quite different. For instance, while China ranks fifth in terms of YB, it ranks first in terms of (p. 84 ) Table 4. 1 Young business rates (2002) and GDP growth rates for 36 countrieshigh-growth YB. In contrast, Thailand ranks third in terms of YB, but only tenth in terms of high-growth YB. Figure 4. 1 Young business rates Figure 4. 2 Young business 20 rates Figure 4. 3 Correlation of young business rates and GDP growth rates Figure 4.  Correlation of high growth-oriented young business rates (20+) and GDP growth rates When we regress the rate of GDP growth on the YB rate and the YB20 rate, the YB20 rate reveals to have a stronger correlation with GDP growth (see Figures 4. 3 and 4. 4). (p. 85 )(p. 86 ) 4. 4 Entrepreneurship and national economic growth 4. 4. 1 Regression analyses The results of our empirical exercises are in Table 4. 2. Model I presents the regression results of the impact of the general YB i ndex (see equation (1)), while Models II and III show the results using the YB6 and YB20 rates as main independent variables (see equation (2)).The results presented in Table 4. 2 show that the impact of entrepreneurial activity is significantly positive for rich countries, but effectively zero for poor countries. The presence of growth-oriented entrepreneurs seems to be more important for achieving GDP growth than general entrepreneurship. Comparing the coefficients of the various YB rates, we see that the impact of YB6 is greater when compared to the impact of YB in general. Meanwhile the impact of YB20 is even greater, but not always statistically significant. Having more growth-oriented entrepreneurs seems to be particularly important in transition countries.Both the magnitude and the statistical significance of the estimated coefficient point to a stronger impact compared to high-income or medium-income countries. There are many reasons that could(p. 87 ) Table 4. 2 Regre ssion models average annual growth of GDP over the period 2002–5 (N=36)explain the importance of growth-oriented entrepreneurs in transition countries (Smallbone and Welter 2006). First, there are many entrepreneurial opportunities in formerly state-dominated sectors. Second, many highly qualified individuals lost their jobs at state-financed organizations (e. . universities, enterprises, government services). Third, there are many highly qualified (potential) entrepreneurs in these countries (especially in Eastern European countries), who do not face the opportunity costs of working for large public or private organizations. Fourth, those highly qualified (potential) entrepreneurs are also well connected to the power networks that were, and to a large extent still are, important in the political and economic arena of these countries, which takes away some barriers for high-growth firms in these countries.Summarizing, it may be argued that in transition economies high-grow th opportunities are more widely available and hence, a higher number of growth-oriented entrepreneurs willing to act on these opportunities may be particularly fruitful for achieving growth in these countries. However, we should be aware of the large diversity in the group of transition countries, which comprises countries like Russia and China, as well as Hungary and Slovenia. (p. 88 ) Our regression results should be interpreted with care as the analysis is based on a limited number of observations (36 countries).As a test of robustness we estimated the models leaving out one country at a time, i. e. we computed 36 auxiliary regressions, where each regression uses 35 observations (each time leaving one of the 36 countries out). Although t-values sometimes dropped a little, coefficients and t-values were generally in line with those reported in Table 4. 2. The country that matters the most for the results obtained in Table 4. 2 is China. This is not surprising as China combines high YB/YB6/YB20 rates with high GDP growth rates (see Table 4. 1). When leaving this country out of the sample, the coefficient (t-value) for the transition countries is 0. 2 (0. 5) for the YB rate, 1. 47 (1. 2) for the YB6 rate, and 1. 72 (1. 1) for the YB20 rate. The low t-values are in part due to the low number of observations. Note, however, that the coefficients are very similar to the full sample estimates reported in Table 4. 2. Furthermore, the Jarque–Bera test on the normality of disturbances is passed for all models reported in Table 4. 2, indicating that it is not necessary to remove individual country observations. Therefore we feel that our results are quite robust to the potential influence of outliers.Nevertheless, given the low number of observations, the results should only be seen as a first illustration of how the impact of different types of entrepreneurship may differ between groups of countries with different levels of development. 4 . 4. 2 Medium-income countries Within the groups of transition and developing economies there are substantial differences in entrepreneurship rates. Chile stands out because of a particularly high rate of growth-oriented entrepreneurship, while Mexico has a particularly low rate of growth-oriented entrepreneurship.In contrast to high-income countries, entrepreneurship in medium-income countries is mainly driven by necessity: self-employment is often the only occupational choice given a paucity of other sources of employment (necessity-based entrepreneurship; see Acs and Amoros 2008; Bosma et al. 2008). The actions of most of the entrepreneurs in medium-income countries are not likely to have an effect on the restructuring and diversification of the poor economies. This would be the whole story if the rates of growth-oriented entrepreneurship would also be marginal in these economies.This is only the case for Mexico. Next to Chileâ€â€where opportunity-driven entrepreneurshi p is dominantâ€â€Brazil, India, and Argentina perform quite well with respect to growth-oriented entrepreneurship. This means that there still is a substantial group of entrepreneurs in medium-income countries that might get involved in a process of self-discovery. The problem in practice is that in contrast to rich and transition economies, growth-oriented entrepreneurship is less likely to (p. 89 ) be realized in developing economies, due to constraints on the provision of capital and (skilled) labour.An additional constraint in medium-income countries is that there are relatively few (foreign) large companies, which could act as a training ground for prospective growth-oriented entrepreneurs, and could open up distribution channels for new fledgling enterprises (Knorringa 1996). This is also reflected in the finding of Bosma, Stam, and Wennekers (2010) that the incidence of intrapreneurship (i. e. employees developing new business activities for their employer) is mu ch lower in medium-income countries than in high-income countries.In addition, one should make a distinction between large firms with productive (manufacturing) and resource extractive (mining, oil) activities here, as the former will be more useful for the development of entrepreneurship than the latter. 4. 4. 3 Transition countries New firms in transition countries not only displace obsolete incumbents but also fill in new markets, which were either non-existent or poorly populated in the past. Our study suggests that in transition countries, growth-oriented entrepreneurs make an important contribution to economic growth.They create new jobs with relatively high incomes which the small incumbent population of private firms cannot provide. This entrepreneurial growth process is facilitated by the relatively high levels of human capital in combination with relatively low opportunity costs of self-employment of the adult population. The high degree of environmental dynamism in the se countriesâ€â€which is likely to positively affect the level of growth expectations and realizations of entrepreneurs in these countriesâ€â€requires ambitious and well-connected entrepreneurs in order to translate these abundant opportunities in economic growth.There are considerable differences within the group of transition countries. Hsu (2005) shows that the role of these connections differs considerably between China and Russia: in China it was a tool which could be used to build enough trust to allow business transactions to succeed (‘capitalism without contracts’). In contrast, in Russia these connections devolved into corruption, and faded in importance for ordinary citizens. Without a way to build trust or extend networks, Russians retreated into defensive involution, and engaged in predatory behaviour against those outside their small circles of friends.Instead of capitalism without contracts, Russia suffered the depredations of ‘capitalists wi thout capitalism’. There are also substantial differences in entrepreneurship rates within the groups of transition economies. China stands out because of particularly high rates of growth-oriented entrepreneurship (cf. Hsu 2005). Even though the YB (p. 90 ) rate is below the average of transition countries, the growth of self-employment has been enormous, not only in the richer coastal provinces, but also in rural areas (Mohapatra, Rozelle, and Goodhue 2007).Research by Djankov et al. (2006) also shows that entrepreneurs in China are more risk-taking and more committed to an entrepreneurial career than entrepreneurs in Russia. In addition, Russia has (and had: see Hsu 2005) a particularly low rate of entrepreneurship in general as well. The striking difference between entrepreneurship rates in China and Russia can be explained by their different paths from socialism to capitalism: gradualism and a shock therapy (see Burawoy 1996).In China the gradual transf ormation started with a policy of decollectivization (decentralization of property relations) in the late 1970s and the promotion of small-scale industry, with a focus on promoting independent entrepreneurship. Experimentation with new economic arrangements, for example privatization of small state-owned enterprises, has led to a favourable accumulation of productive capabilities in China. In contrast, Russia underwent a shock therapy in which the old communist regime was liquidated, with a focus on rapid privatization of the state sector.However, the Russian state failed to organize a market economy, which led to a coordination and entrepreneurial vacuum into which have stepped conglomerates, banks and mafia, siphoning off surplus from production to exchange (Burawoy 1996). 4. 5 Discussion of policy implications In this section we will briefly discuss the potential implications of our exploration of the relationship between types of entrepreneurship and economic growth for en trepreneurship policy and industrial/cluster policy in medium-income and transition countries. 5 4. 5. 1 Entrepreneurship policyOur empirical analyses suggest that entrepreneurship does not have an effect on economic growth in medium-income countries, in contrast to transition and high-income countries where both growth-oriented entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in general seem to contribute strongly to macroeconomic growth. Does this mean that stimulating entrepreneurship in medium-income countries is bad policy? The least we can say is that stimulating entrepreneurship alone will be insufficient as it is likely to attract necessity entrepreneurs with low human capital levels who do not contribute to economic growth.The non-significant effect of entrepreneurship on economic growth in medium-income countries might point at a shortage of large firms in these countries. By exploitation of economies of scale and scope and by (p. 91 ) adopting and diffusing technology devel oped elsewhere, large firms are important in transforming a developing economy into a developed economy (van Stel, Carree, and Thurik 2005). In these economies local workers are more productive working as wage employees than as entrepreneurs. Nevertheless stimulating growth-oriented entrepreneurship might be an additional element of transforming a developing economy into a developed one.Attracting investments by large (possibly foreign) firms, stimulating growth-oriented entrepreneurship, investing in labour and capital, and improving the institutional framework may be the recipe for growth here. On the one hand this is old news, in that it provides a plea for the traditional role of governments to invest in education and physical infrastructure, and to build and maintain a set of institutions that enable the development of the private sector (cf. Rosenberg and Birdzell 1986). On the other hand, the addition of growth-oriented entrepreneurship in development policy for medium- income and transition countries is a new element.One must be careful to target the right group of entrepreneurs though, i. e. governments should avoid that resources made available through government stimulation programmes are absorbed by necessity entrepreneurs with low human capital levels. 4. 5. 2 Industrial/cluster policy The focus of this chapter has been on the country-level, which disregards the sub-national level of analysis, and what is of particular relevance here, the level of regional clusters (regional concentrations of particular industries). These regional clusters have proved to be important drivers of economic development in, for example, Taiwan, India, and Brazil.These clusters are both driven by and drive growth-oriented entrepreneurship. Growth-oriented entrepreneurs that start to invest in a particular industry are needed in order to reach a critical mass that is needed to reach certain agglomeration economies (Braunerhjelm and Feldman 2006). If the build- up of capacity to this level of critical mass is not reached due to the lack of complementary investments, there might be a role to play for governments to overcome coordination failure, for example by providing investment guarantees for entrepreneurs (see Rodrik 2007).Such industrial policy is not about ‘picking winners’ or comprehensive planning, but encouraging experiments with new types of economic activity (Rodrik2007). Since it is impossible to judge winners and losers in advance, competent and growth-oriented entrepreneurs should be encouraged to try, success should be rewarded, and failure should not be coddled (Nelson and Pack 1999). These clusters do not have to be close to the technology frontier (as in advanced capitalist economies). The real policy implications arise from thinking carefully about the particular sources of advantage for a nascent cluster (p. 2 ) and why that source might yield short-term complements with the potential to become l ong-term substitutes (Bresnahan, Gambardella, and Saxenian 2001). Cooperation of clusters in developing countries with existing richer economies is not ‘colonialist’. Take for example the linkages with the US. India and Taiwan are linked to the US (especially Silicon Valley) via outsourcing of software services and manufacturing (due to low labour costs), but also by a returning group of expatriates who have worked there, and who see the benefits of long distance collaboration (Saxenian 1999).There is a flow of peopleâ€â€the so-called Argonauts (Saxenian 2006)â€â€and ideas back and forth between rich and emerging economies. Migrant workers tend to be among the most entrepreneurial in society. Governments of developing countries should not only look at these expatriate workers as a source of remittances. Given their entrepreneurialism, skills, and exposure to business in the developed world, as well as the desire of many of them to return home, they may be very important as a source of self-discovery in their country of origin (Rodrik 2007).In addition to developing the private sector, these return migrants may provide the new elite needed for building up a civil society. Only a fraction of the money spent on attracting FDI would be needed to target nationals abroad. This would attract more knowledgeable human capital and durable investments than most FDI will do. Once critical mass is reached within a regional cluster, it is likely to generate or attract growth-oriented entrepreneurs (e. g. Argonauts), who in turn stimulate further macroeconomic growth. 4. 5. 3 Limitations and further researchThe regression analyses in this chapter are of limited value: they have not only simplified the range6and (linear) effects of determinants for economic development, they have also dumbed down economic development to economic growth over a short-term (four-year) period. We know that sustaining growth is more difficult (and caused by diff erent factors) than igniting it (Rodrik 2007). This also connects to one of the other shortcomings: sustaining growth probably requires much more extensive institutional reform than can be properly taken into account in linear regression analyses.Next to better measures of institutions, future research should take into account samples with low-income countries and a larger number of medium-income and transition countries, and multiple years in order to achieve more robust empirical analyses. In addition, our data did not allow for testing the multiplicative effect of entrepreneurship, so we only analysed the additive effect. A larger number of cases would enable the inclusion of the more traditional indicators of capital and labour in the analyses, and allow for testing the multiplicative effect.
Monday, July 29, 2019
For any theory of law, justice or rights to be worthy of our support, Essay
For any theory of law, justice or rights to be worthy of our support, it must involve a necessary connection with morality. To what extent, if at all, do you agree with this view - Essay Example crucial – referring to the fact that the reasons for the introduction of specific legal rules need to be clearly explained to the members of the society in which these rules involved; in practice, this policy is not always applied; instead, laws are developed in accordance with the personal perceptions of legislators. Under these terms, the obligations and the rights set by the laws in the context of a specific state could be doubted as of their credibility; however, there is a series of principles and concepts that are commonly used as the basis for the development of legal rules and the application of which ensures the respect of fundamental human rights and concerns; morality is one of these concepts; the role of morality in the development of various social and political schemes has been proved as quite important; in fact, morality has been employed in many social theories in order to justify the suggestions made for a series of social and political problems; moreover, the existence of morality in social theories increases the chances for the acceptance of these theories by the members of a specific society – or people in the international community. Current paper focuses on the examination of the potential connection between morality and the theory of law, justice and rights; the views of theorists that have studied the specific subject have been used in order to identify and evaluate the various aspects of connection between morality and the theory of law, justice and rights; it is proved that this relationship exists but it is likely to be differentiated in accordance with the social conditions to which each of these theories refer. Generally, social theories that refer to morality have a similar point of reference: the willingness of people for supporting the justice; however, this willingness is not always obvious; it can be expressed through a series of actions or it can be expressed verbally; in any case, this willingness exist – referring to the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Impact of Globalization on the Human Resource Management of Dissertation
The Impact of Globalization on the Human Resource Management of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) - Dissertation Example This is carried out with a view of ensuring that these corporations are able to counter the challenges they experience in achieving their set objectives and remain competitive in their trade activities. This research proposal intends to utilize the following academic publications on assessing the impacts of globalization on the human resource management of transnational corporations. Key Academic Publications 1. Kayode, O 2012 ‘Impact of globalization on human resource management,’ Science Journal of Business Management, vol. 2012, no. 3, pp. 1–4. The science journal by Kayode on the impact of globalization examines the impact of the work force on the human resource department of an organization with offices that are local or based in other countries. It discusses different issues that drive the aspect of globalization within the workforce along with the challenges that confront these departments on the global scene. The author, Kayode, begins by giving an introdu ction to the current trends of globalization and also provides the definition and the roles of the department. He suggests that it is in charge of managing the human resources in a transnational corporation. ... It will also help my research by highlighting the benefits, challenges and other issues that are affecting these departments. 2. Hunter, LW & Katz, HC 2012, ‘The impact of globalization on human resource management and employment relations in the US automobile and banking industries,’ The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1983-1998. The authors, Hunter and Katz, discuss the effects of globalization on employment relations and its differential impact throughout the different types of capitalism. They suggest that globalization affects different industries in specific ways. In addition, the journal discusses issues like job security, work organization, remuneration systems, and enterprise governance within transnational corporations in the US. It specifically addresses the issues which affect the transnational organizations that are headquartered in the US. The article additionally makes a comparison of the changes that occur in these two industries and their nature of correspondence to the American liberal economy (Hunter and Katz, 2012). The article will help my research by providing more insights into how employment relations in transnational corporations have been affected by the issue of globalization. 3. Friedman, BA 2007, ‘Globalization implications for human resource management role,’ Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal, vol.1, no. 19, pp. 151–171. The article discusses the influences that globalization has on transnational corporations competing for customers who have very high expectations as regards the cost, quality and performance of the products they buy. It highlights the pressures that the globalization process has imposed on their human resource
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Analysis Of The Relationship Between Religion Essay
Analysis Of The Relationship Between Religion - Essay Example The consideration of the idea of God inevitably leads to consideration of another, contrary idea, namely the evil. Indeed, if there is light, there must be darkness or at least shadow as well. So, the Christian doctrine is likely to make some provisions about the nature of evil. According to the scholars, there are two forms of evil: moral and natural. The former is something that is caused by people. This form involves the concept of morality and, therefore, can occur only within the environment of the people. So, murder or incest is something that is seen as moral evil by the people. There is a different form of evil, the natural one. It occurs in the environment and people are victims of it, not the creators. For example, earthquakes are put into a natural evil category. Keeping in mind the above-mentioned idea, â€Å"the fact of evil becomes an objection to rational belief in God, at least believe in a perfectly good, all-powerful deity†. However, the Christians were able to come up with various justifications, theodicies. For example, according to one of them, evil is necessary since it makes people morally mature; in other words, the ability to distinguish between good and evil is something that should be seen as a characteristic of a fully developed human and something which Adam and Eve were deprived at first. Therefore, evil exists not because God cannot destroy it (He is omnipotent), not because He does not know about it (He is omniscient) or not because He is not good (He is omnibenevolent).
Essay assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Assignment - Essay Example However, these programs cannot eliminate food insecurity completely. This work represents the project, including the number of strategies, which will help to reduce the rate of food insecurity in the USA. The first measure, which must be included in the program, is an annual monitoring of the state of food security. The forecast of socio-economic development of the country should contain the current and medium-term balance of production and the consumption of basic foodstuffs. This step will give the government an opportunity to predict the gabs in the process of development of the food market and take steps for their elimination. The second measure includes the introduction of the analysis of price and food proportions into the practice of the government in order to increase the volume of agricultural products, raise the investment attractiveness of the industry, ensure its financial sustainability and profitability. An important problem of food security remains the quality of food. The poor areas of the USA are often imported with the products, which are of low quality and do harm to human health. Considering this issue, it is necessary to organize a system of quality control of the imported products for the whole technological chain. The particular attention should be paid to the turnover of raw materials and food products with the high level of genetically modified sources. It is necessary to introduce the measures for stimulation and certification of eco products. At the state level, the government should actively promote healthy nutrition policy. The next measure concerns the building of a strong nutrition safety net. Even those people, who have a good level of income, can face financial troubles, caused by seasonal unprofitability, family conditions and so forth. In this case, it is important for them to be supported by the state authorities by means of the available access to the USDA’s assistance
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Merits of Automating Business Processes Essay
The Merits of Automating Business Processes - Essay Example This entails collecting appropriate data that would demonstrate the significance of automation as a quality enhancer and a transferrable idea that could help organizations to speed up their activities while aiming for optimum performance and productivity (Atkins, 2001; Domingue and Pedrinaci, 2009). To understand how effective the phenomenon of automation is, it is imperative to design this research in a way that the applicable variables are tested and the right participants are investigated in order to come up with useful statistical presentation. The purpose of this is to reveal the fact that automation works perfectly when all the component structures are properly aligned in its implementation (Comuzzi and Pernici, 2009). 2 3.1 Sample The participants to be investigated for this research would be employees of the target organization who are in charge of the organization’s IT Department, Manufacturing Department, and Accounts Department. The number of participants from each Department will be ten (n=10); hence, the total number of employers to be engaged in the entire research would be 30 (N=30). The employees would be chosen at random to avoid prejudicial selection so as to get fair results. The conditions for participation would be that each chosen employee has worked for the organization for a minimum of 5 years and have noticed drastic improvements in the organization’s performance owing to the automation of the operations at the organization. Variables The most important variables this research would test include the following merits of automation: Optimum Performance Ratio:- This will be measured by comparing the percentages of performance before and after automation. The percentage of performance can be estimated from the responses participants would provide to the questionnaires. Cost-efficiency Ratio:- This is why the Accounts Department employees are included as participants in this research so that they could give the extent of cost o f operation before and after the automation. 3 Comparative Speed of Operation:- The employees at the IT and Manufacturing Departments would be expected to supply the needed information about the relative speed of operation at the organization before and after the implementation of automation. 3.2 Instruments The major instrument that would be used for this study is an open questionnaire which would contain important questions the chosen employees of the organization must provide responses to. The advantage of an open questionnaire is that applicants would not be provided with any response option: they would be required to supply response to each question as they deem fit. Other applicable information about the organization’s operations would be garnered from the Annual Report of the organization. 3.3 Research Design Each open questionnaire would contain ten questions. And unlike closed questionnaire, the participants are free to supply any response they deem appropriate to th e questions. A sample of the ten questions is given as follows: (i) What does the operations at your organization look like before some or all of the processes were automated? Please comment about the speed, cost and performance of operations. (ii) And what does the operations look like after automation? Please also comment on the speed, cost and performance of operations. 4 (iii) Which areas are mostly improved through the implementation of automation procedures? (iv) How about the quality of production or
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Health, Safety and Customer First Tasks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Health, Safety and Customer First Tasks - Essay Example The last statement is italicized because it will be the crucial point of debate. According to the Act, this duty extends without prejudice to the generality of an employer's duty and includes the following: the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health; arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees; so far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place of work under the employer's control, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks; The provision and maintenance of a working environment for his employees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as re... f his general policy with respect to the health and safety at work of his employees and the organization and arrangements for the time being in force for carrying out that policy, and to bring the statement and any revision of it to the notice of all of his employees. The company had the initiative to institute ways to ensure that the employees are protected from the hazardous materials that the company is using for its manufacturing process by providing the necessary mechanism to punish those who will fail to comply. However, due to the complaints received from the employees, they relaxed the mechanism in the belief that the safety measures were a hindrance to productivity. Under the law, employers must ensure that the working environment is safe in so far as is reasonably practicable. We therefore ask what constitutes practicability. Was it impracticable because it lowered productivity and generated complaints The point is that the measures were practicable primarily because it was relatively easy to employ and make use of and such complaints as rashes and blurring of vision are temporary and psychological at the least. It is quite illogical to say that the use of goggles was impracticable when in fact most employees of companies who handle corr osive chemicals are wearing one. Under this circumstance, we find that the company has fallen short of its duties because they failed to enforce the measures which were practicable by not employing the dismissal of any defaulters. Also, the company is at fault because it did not provide enough information on where the equipment was to be located. B. The Law and the Employees In the observance of health and safety measure, it is not the employer alone who is given the responsibility but also the employee. Under the 1974 Act,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16
Reflection - Essay Example It is at this point that one strongly believes in leaving some lessons learned throughout life’s journey which have been instrumental in attaining inner peace and happiness. For one, as a traveler, one observed that vast technological developments in the field of science have indeed paved the way for uplifting the welfare of mankind. Medical breakthroughs, for instance, in conjunction with discoveries that provided comfort and facilitated human interactions enabled men to enjoy longevity. However, it is not solely the objective of men to live longer; but more so, to improve the quality of life. This means that man should be able to discern the purpose of existence extend more than survival to encompass enriching the lives of those they encounter during their journey. They must have been able to provide an insight, shared knowledge, assisted in the development of skills or abilities, and added value to other people’s lives. This does not necessarily mean that only the ed ucated or those who pursued higher education are the only ones capable to improve another person’s life. One acknowledges that simple joys, anecdotes, even painful and challenging experiences provide relevant lessons that provide appropriate learning even to professionals in various fields of endeavors. Secondly, consistent with what various religions teach, it is the individual’s ability to reach tranquility, calmness, peacefulness through adherence to ethical, moral and legal standards posed by society. It is here that science and religion interconnect. As science likewise aims to discover means to alleviate pain, discomfort, and solutions to problems; the goal of religion, likewise, is to attain peace, salvation, eternal life. Science finds solutions to physical problems. Religion finds meaning to emotional and spiritual questions. Religion offers recluse through feeding the spirit with
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Role of the RN in operation room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Role of the RN in operation room - Essay Example To provide effective care, it is necessary to have some experienced and qualified nurses be placed, as the role is critical and complex. Having an inexperienced non-qualified nurse at this position may yield complexities and inconvenience as only basic education in nursing may not provide the level of experience that role of a registered nurse demands. The paper presents the role of registered nurses in the operation of health care organizations. RN is a registered nurse who has successfully completed the educational requirements to attain the competencies required for certified practice in nursing. A patient going for a surgery does not expect to have some inexperienced medical practitioner and health professionals in operation room. On the other hand, surgeons also get distracted by any kind of action irreverent with the surgical process and it may implore a freaked reaction in safety of the patient. These situations occur when operation rooms allow registered nurses to take places of licensed practice nurses or anesthesiologist (Lingard et al, 2004, 330; Riley, Manias, 2006, 1541). Operation room, also referred as Surgical Suite is generally an area in the hospital where surgeries takes place. These are special areas equipped with delicate and expensive apparatuses to provide sufficient support to the medical practitioners to perform their surgeries. The surgeries may range from minor cuts and sewing to major gun shots, transplants and deliveries. Therefore, the team required in an OR must be experienced and competent enough to deliver all phases of care to the patients, handle complications and change of patients’ status and procedures (Sneddon et al, 2006, 255). Simple surgeries require three key personnel in an OR that are: a surgeon, an experienced registered nurse and an anesthesiologist. Additional support and staff are required on the basis of the type and severity level of surgery. The registered nurse tasks
Monday, July 22, 2019
Tulsa Race Riot Essay Example for Free
Tulsa Race Riot Essay During the early 1900’s, America has experienced an act of hatred and despair. Envy became the motive to suppress the masses and the death of hundreds of innocent people became the result. But how did all of this occur without any written record except for the painful memories forever instilled in the minds of the victims? Where were the authorities? Where was the so called â€Å"justice†that these people deserved? All of these questions replayed in my mind that night. On February 11, 2011, I attended an enrichment program at the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center at Morehouse College. At this enrichment program, there was a special viewing of the documentary Soundtrack for a Revolution followed up by a questions and answers segment. Before the showing, there was nice musical performance presented by two individuals. The performance itself gave an overview of the Tulsa Race Riot. Shortly afterwards, the film started. Prior to this event, I have the opportunity to do research on this tragedy about a year ago, but never had been as deeply concerned about the incident just by reading about it. The film was well put together and definitely caught my attention. Soundtrack for a Revolution told the story of Tulsa, Oklahoma during the early 1900’s and how it was a haven of flourishing black business. Everyone’s wealth within the black community helped boost each other’s business. It literally was considered the â€Å"Black Wall Street†. The dollar there circulated approximately thirty to one thousand times and sometimes took an entire year before the currency left the community. But, many people did not take a liking to the amount of wealth and success the black people of Tulsa, Oklahoma had. They grew envious and felt the need to suppress and even eliminate this epidemic. On May 31st through June 1st in 1921, they took action and for eighteen hours straight, they attacked. On those two days, hundreds of whites had gathered arms against the unarmed African Americans. So many of them were murdered and those who survived were left with nothing but tears and the painful memories. The movie forwarded to a more recent time and focused on the survivors of that dreadful day. It has been so many years since that event and the survivors have yet seen justice from the state and country whose purpose was to ensure their equality. I’ve watched the film and how they were ignored by court judges and the only reconciliation that those who have managed to live received was nothing but a bronze metal. From what I have been watching, that piece of metal could not have given them proper justice. In the 1950s and 60s, America became a volatile and confused nation as the Civil Rights Movement gained momentum, and black Americans demanded equality, both in the eyes of the legal and social systems. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. orked tirelessly in the fight against injustice and inequality, and ultimately paid for his dedication with his very life. His main goal was to have peace for both whites and blacks. He wanted everyone no matter what color to get along and live among each other instead of being segregated. His advice, as his speech implies, was not to judge one another by the color of their skin but by the contents of their characters. This injustice that occurred in Tulsa was the exact opposite of Martin Luther King Jr. s vision for the world. This is why he fought so long and hard for. As far as the survivors, I really hope that they will get the justice that they truly deserve. I do not know exactly how they can accomplish this specifically, but I do know that, with persistence and being resilient, they will finally accomplish this long awaited justice. The Tulsa Race Riot was more than just a tragedy against another race, I believe it was another tragedy against mankind.
A Positive View on Social Media and Facebook Essay Example for Free
A Positive View on Social Media and Facebook Essay Over one billion people worldwide use or have a profile on some sort of social media. Facebook is one form of social media that leads the charge. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows users to locate and reunite with old friends, join groups of members that share your same interests, do research, and entertain themselves through the use of a variety of applications embedded within the website. Every so often we feel the urge to locate old friends that we have not been in touch with in a long time. We just type in their name and see what comes up. One day my wife looked up an old friend of mine, Paul Z. and found a man about the right age. She thought at first it was someone else because with age we all look different. Looking back at her was an older man with grey hair and a beard, something that neither Paul nor I had the last time we had seen each other. So she started to go through pictures and started seeing familiar faces, pictures from the past that was our past too. She immediately requested that they become â€Å"friends†on Facebook knowing that this was our friend from years ago. The request was accepted and our friendship was reunited again. After Facebook and my wife reunited two old friends I started to look at Facebook for other ideas on who to try and communicate with. Old classmates came to mind and it just so happens that Facebook provides a tool for reuniting classmates on the website. After about ten minutes or so of answering a few simple questions about where I went to school and when, I logged off and went about my business. About two or three days later I started getting responses. At first I didn’t recognize anybody, but then after a little research, yearbooks mostly, I started to recognize some of the names and memories followed. I have since been in touch with a couple of classmates from as far back as second and third grade, an amazing feat since second and third grade was in 1966 and 1967. I now get invitations to class reunions and other events that I never had before. Although I haven’t attended one yet, maybe someday I will. Another part of Facebook that I thoroughly enjoy, are all the groups that are available to join and hang out with. The Navy is just one of the many groups that I belong to. There I get to chat and share the many memories I have from my time in the service. Some are really great, like the time I got to ride a camel in front of the main Pyramid in Egypt, except when it spit on me, that wasn’t fun. Or the time I rode a Gondola in Venice down the waterways. And some not so great, like 1991 in the Persian Gulf or rescuing refugees off the coast of Haiti. But all are memories I love to share with old shipmates and Facebook makes it possible. Genealogy is a subject that has interested me for years. One of the greatest challenges I have found, is how to quickly and accurately research the information I need on members of my family. I even subscribed to an online genealogy website. Where, for $30.00 per month, I could do all the research I wanted. This soon became more than I could fit into my budget, so I started to look for another way. I saw an advertisement on Facebook for a new application called â€Å"Family Tree†, an online web app that allows family members to input their own family information and merge it into an existing family tree. It also allows each family member to visit and update their own part of the tree as often as they like. I signed up and started to enter information about my own immediate family and forwarded requests for other members of my family to join. The response was amazing. To date my family has placed 1,288 entries into the family tree and it continues to grow every day. Although groups, family history research, locating long lost friends takes up a lot of time, I still try to find ways to amuse myself on the computer. Facebook can do that too. There are literally hundreds of games that you can play either by yourself or with family and friends. CityVille 2 is the one that I am currently involved in socially. I haven’t started any individual games yet, but I will eventually. Games are not the only forms of entertainment provided by Facebook. The posts that all of my friends place on the site can be hilarious. I am constantly looking at all of the photos and videos that have been posted and at times they can be pretty entertaining as well. All things considered, there are many ways to communicate with family, friends and classmates. Newer forms of social media, like Facebook give us a significantly more effective and in most cases, less expensive way to stay in touch with the people that mean the most to us. It can also provide tools for exploring new and exciting ways to entertain ourselves, research your family history by starting a family tree, or join a group that shares your interests. The opportunities are endless.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Graduate Employment Opportunities in China
Graduate Employment Opportunities in China The purpose of this paper is to the moving from education into the China employment market. The objectives to write this essay is desire know the graduate market in China accurately and try to understand the actual situation. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduction to the marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China. What do employers look for is the essay going to describe secondly. Thirdly, a general comment on the intended career path and target position after graduation. In addition, the writer will through the conclusion to state briefly what skills are vital to cope with target position after graduation. (Done, J. Mulver, R, 2011) stated the term labour market is used to describe the interactions between employers who need workers and employers. labour market is both complex and dynamic, that there have two fundamental forces driving the labour market, which are demand and supply. So the relationship between supply and demand is critical. In the graduate labour market, the people who are seeking a job is the supply, and the employer offering the job is the demand. The supply have to make they known in the marketplace, and the demand have to let people know they have a job and they want to fill. This essay will focus in the manufacturing industry which is essential industry in China. The Marketplace For Graduate Employment Opportunities At Home Country Under the comprehensive influence of economy, politics and society, the employment of graduate is confronted with a fierce situation in China. In the meanwhile, it also presents both unprecedented opportunities and challenges for current graduate employment. In the past thirty years, Chinas economy has grown at an average of approximately 10% a year, and become the worlds second largest economy now. Chinas markets have opened to the whole world and the trade has increased remarkably. And China is the largest global producer of washing machines, cameras and computers (among hundreds of other products), its manufacturing capability is very eminence. In order to face foreign and domestic huge market, many companies are constantly expanding staff recruitment. Chinas human market network stated that the percentage of the bachelor of business administration employed in manufacturing sector was 58.8% in 2010. The business administration possess wide range of knowledge, including planning, organization, direction, control and organize the relevant business operations and behavioral decision. As a result, the ratio was higher than other major in manufacturing. In addition, (Done, J. and Mulvey, R. 2011) stated the graduates have more workforce and seem to be bring innovation and creativity to the company. This is the reason why many companies like to hire the student who just finished university. The marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China is massive. Considering that is labor demand in Chinas manufacturing industry is large. The Ministry of Social Security and Human Resources described employment as stable and normal with a record about 6.94 million jobs created in the 2012 first half. On the other hand, The challenge for graduates is still exist. The speed of society development is slower than the speed of the increase of graduated students; as a result, some graduates cannot find positions in the job market . At the same time, expectations of college students in getting good jobs in big cities causes the drastic competition in the metropolis job markets. On the contrary, in the vast countryside and small or medium cities, there are still many vacant positions that students dont want to accept. Example like GuangZhou, it is a big city in Guangdong province in China. But the graduate employment opportunities is seldom in this city, because the manufacturin g industry is not important in GuangZhou and a large number of the graduate are looking for a job here, this is a competitive job market. But the cities beside the GuangZhou, like DongGuan, HuiZhou, three of them are Medium-sized city. There are so many employment opportunities over there. The first reason is the medium-sized city always pay attention to manufacturing industry, the secondly is most graduates dont want to accept work in the medium-sized or small city, there are still many vacant positions. A lot of the graduates tend to overestimate themselves and their expectations to the future jobs are too high. Almost all of them have a high requirement of their salaries and working conditions, they would rather stay in big cities waiting for job opportunities than go back to their hometowns and find other jobs. This is the important reason why marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China is massive, but many of graduates cannot find suitable job in big city. In this section, combined with the date form government department, journal, and the industry news, the graduate student employment opportunity of manufacturing industry in China is very well in small or medium city. Small and medium city hope the graduates work there. There are many graduate jobs available in manufacturing industry and the labor demand in China is large. In the big city, the students can not be optimistic about employment prospects, the labour market competition is intense and almost full. Since everyones power is limited, we cannot change the social environment within a short period. However, we can adapt ourselves to this society. Above all, we should change our obsolete employment concepts and adjust the psychology in employment in order to set up a proper conception of job-selecting views. Try to adjust the employment exception according to own ability. Do not think too much expectation on the salary and working conditions when we seek for jobs we have never don e before. Hold a right attitude towards jobs and set job expectation at a suitable level is the key to the solution and remission of the difficulty in employment. Besides, the graduates should strengthen the sense of competition, never complain about the society. To sum up, we have to learn how to assuage and solve the employment problem by ourselves, what we should do is to take it rationally and combine our own situations with facts. What skills and competencies are graduate employers looking for? All graduates need good employability skill. When the graduate is taking job interview, the employers will pay much attention about the employability skills. So, which skill is most important in employability skills? Following that, the table shows the 24 skills which were most deemed important based on survey by employers. Where 1 is the least important and 5 is the most important. Table 1: Table showing importance (least important to most important) of graduate skills (J.M. Norusis,2004) Form this table, the most important seem to be teamwork, the following is motivation, learning attitude, independent work, communication skill, inter personal skill, flexibility etc. After that, the academic learning is the least important in 24 skills. In the labour market, a lot of competitors have the same degree as you or higher than your degree. Therefore, the graduates have good employability skill is a major key to get the job. As a student, In addition to get the graduate certificate, still have to import the employability skill. This will be measured and tested throughout the recruitment and selection process. What Do Employers Look For? In the manufacturing industry, the employers are looking for graduates who are enthusiasm, positive mental attitude, efficient, detail oriented, honesty, listening and Prioritize. Also, graduates who have good teamwork, motivation,learning attitude, independent work, communication skill, inter personal skill. The prioritize and skill of communication are most important in manufacturing industry, by reason of there are one important step in factory when it is manufacturing products. The step is assign work mission. Excellent assign work mission can help the factory improve work efficiency to make best profit. As the result, the prioritize main is good at assign work mission, and the communication skill can help others understand what you talking about and listening to your order. Nowadays, all the companies are using the computer to do the work, so, the internet technology is become more and more important. The graduates should have basic knowledge about the computer. Next, most employers also look for at least a 2:1 in a degree, international experience and foreign language skill. Chinas markets have opened to the whole world, employer intend to staff has international experience and one or two foreign language skill to help the company into foreign markets. Intended Career Path My intense interest now is international business management ,a subject that combines global issue, international trade, business management and social value. It provides me with a good opportunity to express my idea, display my management ability. And at the same time I obtain from it the pleasure of study and immense satisfaction. I hope I will become a prominent businessman in this field someday. My intended career path has three stages short, medium and long term. They are showing for less than 3 years, 4 to 7 years and over 8 years respectively. The following is my years of occupation planning: Short term, less than 3 years: A student do not has any experience about the job when the student just finished university. Therefore, the first year should be during the internship in manufacturing industry based on knowledge, learn to find and solve problems, to consolidate the management knowledge, improve the operation level. For the future work to lay a good foundation. To start the plan, I will looking for the small or medium company. The reason is first these companies scale are not big, every department is close the ranks. I can learn the knowledge and experience form different department. Secondly, I can easy to get the opportunity for advancement. In the big company, the competition is very intense, learning and advancement are difficulty. But, when I already have jobs, I have to understand salary expectations before graduation are generally lower than the real payment. I hope after two years, I can understand the manufacturing industry market, supply chain, and get much experience of management. This is the objective of short term plan. Medium term, 4 to 7 years: In the medium term plan, to find a suitable development of the company, set the mentality is my objective. In this 4 to 7 years, I have to hard work, strive for the leader s position. When you become a leader, you can use own opinion, ways to do something. And you have chance to show the brilliance. Last, you can promote your leadership, communication skill, problem solving, and teamwork. On the other hand, I have to establish a good communication with the guests for make a networking for future development. A strong networking is very helpful for my future life. The result from my Numerical Reasoning Skills Feedback Report, the score was at the 81st percentile. This means my scored better than 81 per cent of the comparison group. As the result, the report state I have high ability of basic arithmetic, quickly extracting valuable information from a lot of complicated information, and economic common sense. That is very useful to strive for the leaders position. Long term, over 8 years: Try to be the manger in big company. I am pursuing a management position with sales manager in Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited in HongKong . The requirements for my target position are a minimum of degree in Business Administration, Sales and management experience, good understanding of PRC property market, excellent leadership and presentation skills with result-oriented approach, good command of written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Sales management is to realize all kinds of organizational objectives, create, establish and maintain the good between target market exchange and contact and design analysis, planning, implementation and control. Through the planning, implementation and control enterprise sales activities to achieve the enterprises sales target. This job is looking for who have sales experience, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership, presentation skills and knowledge of market management. The reason to select that job because the first I want to work in big city in Asia, HongKong is one of the fastest growing economy city in Asia. The second is my knowledge of business management is suitable for this job. The other reason is I was working in Kaisa Group ( See Appendix ) before, I learn the management, marketing, and people-oriented skill in my work experience. I believe these experience is suitable for sale management. In my long term plan, after 8 years, I believe I will have much experience of sales management and market management, many skills have improved and I have degree in business administration, also I can written and spoken English, the Cantonese and Mandarin are my mother language. So, I think I could be get this job. I determined to achieve my goal. The result of the Prospects Planner What job would suit me? shows the list of matched occupations: 1. Environmental consultant (89%) 2. Equality and diversity officer (88%) 3. Investment analyst (87%) 4. Charity fundraiser (87%) 5. Management consultant (87%). Five of these occupations are different types and following my skills, motivations, desires. From this result, I think the Environmental consultant, Equality and diversity officer, Investment analyst and Management consultant are right for me according my hobby or skills. First, the environmental consultant and investment analyst,can give me much personal autonomy and high profit, but it is not following my knowledge of my degree course. After that, the equality and diversity officer, management consultant are according my degree choice.The important condition of these two occupations is problem solving. I believe I am good at these occupations cause I was study in two different countries to learned many skills. One is Singapore and the other is China. In this two different countries, I had join many school group work, and I was working in a big company about three months in China. (see Appendix 18) I have a lot of opportunity to learn how to solving problem. Also my intense interest now is business management. The result form my Abstract Reasoning Skills Feedback Report, my score was at the 65th percentile. The report is testing the ability of the new idea and problem-solving. And my point is better than 65 per cent of the comparison group. The full mark is 100 per cent of the comparison group. From this result, that can be prove my ability of the new idea and problem-solving in medium level. I should be improve my skill in future, make it in the high level. Conclusion In conclusion, the employment opportunities sound positive in China. The labour market in big city intense and almost full, but the small and medium city still many vacant positions. The graduates have to change their employment concepts. They can not tend to overestimate themselves and their expectations to the future jobs are too high. Graduates should understand their salary is not high when they just finished university to start a job. But the first or second year in your job is a good opportunity to improve the skills and get experience. As we know, the Teamwork, motivation, and learning attitude were most deemed important based on survey by employers. The graduates have to remember improve their skills everyday. Good skills is a good key to get the job in a fiercely competitive occupation labour market. About the career path, the right career choice or not, is directly related to their career success or failure. To begin choice our career, at least should consider the following points: personality and career matching, interest in the match and vocational, career matching expertise, internal and external environment and adapt to occupational. Set career goals, is the core of career planning. The cause of the success or failure of a person, to a large extent depend on the availability of appropriate target correctly. No goal, as the boat into the sea, vast surrounding, there is no direction, I do not know their own going. Goal setting, following a career in the choice of route choice career after aim in life to make choices. Next step From the result, I understand I have to improve my teamwork skill now. Before that, I like to work alone, but I know the teamwork is more important than work alone now. From the table, we know the most important is teamwork. The employer always looking for who have good teamwork skill. If I do not improve this skill, I will be lost many opportunity. To improve my teamwork skill. I should join more group activity, communicate with others and try to give more opinions to the team. On the other hand, I will continue to find the internship in my summer holiday. I have send letter to Kaisa Group Real Large Estate Company, I hope I can work in this company in summer holiday again. Because the internship is looking for student to do a sales management, that is very precious experience for me, cause that my target position is sales management.In the future, I hope I will become a prominent businessman in this field someday.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Physics of a Spudgun :: physics potato gun cannon
Well it's quite simple actually. Spudguns use some of the same principles as internal combustion engines. Just as burning gas forces a piston out of a cylinder it can also force out a potato. A spudgun is a device that uses some form of propellant to project a potato across the sky. Usually these devices are made of ABS plastic sewer pipe. There are several major parts of the spud gun that these pages will refer to. These parts are the firing chamber, the igniter, and the barrel. The ignition device of a spud gun is simply put the spark generator that causes the combustion of the fuel in the firing chamber. This device is usually a charcoal grill lighter. The button on the sparker is depressed and a spark arcs across a wire lead and a ground wire. The grill sparker is installed in to the back of the firing chamber by means of threading, epoxy, and bolts. This sparker becomes a projectile if it is not well seated in the end cap of the firing chamber. It must be held firmly in place withstanding any pressure produced by the fuels being burned in the chamber. This type or igniter will work in most conditions including when it becomes wet with fuel. Other igniters exist but are not recommended as highly as the charcoal grill sparker. The Colmen lantern spin lighter which use a flint and striker can become gummed up with some fuels and is not recommended for use in spud guns which will use hairspray as a primary fuel. This lighter must have new flints installed when they run out. This type of lighter also will fail to function when wet with fuel. The flame style barbecue lighter is a click lighter that produces a small-sustained flame. This lighter rarely misfires but is very hard to install given the high pressures it would be subjected to. Also the fuel in the lighter it self must be refilled. Some Spud Guns use a spark plug and battery setup that involves more work as well as more components. The benefits of this style of ignition system is that you have the ability to remote detonate the fuel from a safe distance. By far the push button charcoal grill sparker is the recommended igniter. It is cheap, effective, relatively easy to install and long lasting.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Role of the Nativity in Magi and Carol of the Brown King :: Magi Carol Brown King Essays
The Role of the Nativity in "Magi" and "Carol of the Brown King"Â Â Â What were the Three Wise Men searching for when they followed the North Star? They were obviously seeking the Christ child, but they were also searching for the truth and righteousness that he represents. Sylvia Plath in her poem "Magi" and Langston Hughes in his poem "Carol of the Brown King" discuss the merit of their respective minority groups through allusions to the nativity. Plath uses the journey to discuss both the ignorance of philosophers' quest for the "truth" and its neglect of females, and Hughes uses the righteousness of the nativity to emphasize the importance of blacks. Â Plath's poem "Magi" ridicules the intellectual's theory-based search for truth: "They mistake their star, these papery godfolk" (15). Instead of searching for the meaning to life through living, they seek it in inanimate books. Plath says of the abstracts, "They're the real thing, all right: the Good, the True," however, her other references to them are contradictory, indicating that this is mockery (6). When she remarks that they "hover like dull angels," she explains that they are not spoiled with anything "so vulgar as a nose or an eye," and yet, what is a face without features (1-2)? These abstracts are "pure as boiled water, loveless as the multiplication table," but how could something so lifeless describe life (8)? By describing the dullness of the abstracts, Plath indicates their unsuitability to guide the search for truth. While the abstracts lead the "papery godfolk" to the "crib of some lamp-headed Plato," Plath leads her readers to the crib of a baby girl (16). While the abstracts are "pure as boiled water" the infant is also pure: "the heavy notion of Evil attending her cot is less than a belly ache" (7,13). However, although the theory-filled abstracts are "loveless as the multiplication table," the child is nourished by "Love the mother of milk, no theory" (8,14). The abstracts' truth is founded in theory; the baby's truth is founded in love. Plath is content that the "papery godfolk" do not seek the crib of her baby girl. "What girl ever flourished in such company?" (18). This question attacks the male-dominated hierarchy in which no women of her time prospered. The main message of Plath's poem is that we learn truth in the school of life, but why did she use a baby girl instead of a boy?
The Cycle of Selfhood in Sillitoe Essay -- Literary Analysis
The Cycle of Selfhood in Sillitoe Preface After Alan Sillitoe’s death in 2008, journalist and author Catherine Mayer wrote Sillitoe’s obituary for Time magazine. She begins it with her own assessment of Sillitoe’s work. Mayer asserts that Sillitoe â€Å"possessed a rare ability to identify the lovable qualities in characters his readers might shun in real life†(Mayer). It is true; he did. That ability can, of course, be attributed to talent, hard work and strong writer’s intuition, but it can also be said that perhaps it was easy for Sillitoe to identify those qualities in those characters, because he identified with those characters. One critic goes so far as to say that Sillitoe is â€Å"too close to them for his own good, he abdicates to an outpouring autobiographical compulsion†(Roskies 172). The critic tempers that remark in the next sentence saying that, â€Å"Its virtue†¦is its splendid recreation of hand-to-mouth subsistence living in Nottingham†¦the industrial North as a whole†(Roskies 172) Sillitoe grew up in the same kind of environment as his characters do. Born in 1928 and raised in Radford, a working class suburb in western Nottingham (Daniels and Rycroft 461), Sillitoe was son to Christopher Sillitoe, a tannery laborerâ€â€illiterate, frequently out of work and sometimes abusiveâ€â€and Sylvia Burton Sillitoe, a lace factory worker (Aspden). At 14, Alan Sillitoe left school to work a string of factory jobs, one as a lathe operator at a bicycle factory (Daniels and Rycroft 464), just like Arthur Seaton, the protagonist of Sillitoe’s, â€Å"Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.†Introduction Contemporary working class fiction from the British Isles is fraught with class struggle and it’s a topic that drove much of the work of the Angry ... ...Lessons of the long-distance runner.†The New Criterion (2008): 23-28. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Daniels, Stephen, and Simon Rycroft. â€Å"Mapping the Modern City: Alan Sillitoe’s Nottingham Novels.†Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 18.4 (1993): 460-480. JSTOR. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Mayer, Catherine. â€Å"Alan Sillitoe.†Time 10 May 2010: 35. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Penner, Allen R. â€Å"Human Dignity and Social Anarchy: Sillitoe’s ‘The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner.’†Contemporary Literature 10.2 (1969): 253-265. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Oct. 2011. Roskies, D. M. â€Å"Alan Sillitoe’s Anti-Pastoral.†The Journal of Narrative Technique 10.3 (1980): 170-185. Print. Sillitoe, Alan. The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. New and Collected Stories. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003. 1-35. Print.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
What does it to be a good leader Essay
What does it to be a good leader? A leader is that person who uses social, organizational, intellectual or such authority to command a group, organization, or country (Cragg & Spurgeon, 2007). Generally, a leader’s primary responsibility is to enlist the contribution of his/her subjects to accomplish a common task. Therefore, a leader should possess qualities that help him/her organize, command and realize the objective of the group or organization (Cragg & Spurgeon, 2007). A good leader needs to be both proactive and reactive (Gachte, Nosenzo, Renner & Sefton, 2008). This means that the leader should think several steps ahead of their subjects, so that they can see problems before they arise and hence develop counter mechanisms for them. This also means that a good leader should be flexible and adaptable, so as to fit into whatever new unexpected or uncomfortable situations. The leader also needs to be initiative- he/she should be the source of ideas and plans that benefit the group (Gachte et al, 2008). Communication is one of the most important pillars in teamwork. Therefore, an exceptional leader is that who knows how to communicate effectively. This entails having good listening skills, asking the right questions as regularly as possible, understanding the subjects’ needs and remitting directions and ideas in the best way possible (Cragg & Spurgeon, 2007). A leader who not only values feedback, but also acts according to it is most likely to produce good results (Cragg & Spurgeon, 2007). A good leader also needs to display confidence and enthusiasm for his/her job, thus causing the people under to follow in the same spirit. That is an important form of non-verbal communication for a good leader. Although the leader is the most powerful member in a group, the effective leader acknowledges the inputs and efforts of each and every member (Gachte et al, 2008). A good leader will respect all his subjects and treat them without discrimination or favoritism. In the same line, a good leader has an open mind so that they can weigh and consider all possible fruitful options even from junior members. In case a member of the team does well in achieving the groups’ mission, an exceptional leader will recognize and reward them, while motivating others to work even harder (Gachte et al, 2008). A common saying goes, â€Å"a good leader leads by example†. A good leader is not a boss, but a servant with the others. For this reason, a good leader should be resourceful and instrumental in the actual implementation of the organization or team’s tasks (Wills, 1994). Therefore, the leader requires proper skills, training and education to match the duties and responsibilities of the respective leadership position. Moreover, an effective leader should be well-organized, punctual and always ready for his/her duties (Wills, 1994). Authority and leadership are two qualities that are hardly separable. Although a good leader is a servant too, it is impossible to lead without authority over other members of the organization. A good leader understands their power such as to delegate duties, to allow or deny certain actions by the members, to reward or penalize a member, etc. (Wills, 1994). However, a leader should not use the authority vested upon them for their own good, but rather for the good of the whole organization. There are numerous other qualities that characterize a good leader, but the above are some of the basic good leadership traits. As discussed, good leadership revolves around personal endowment effective teamwork- only that the leader should understand place at the top of an organization, group or team. References Cragg, R., & Spurgeon, R. (2007). Competencies of a good leader. How To Succeed As A Leader. Ed. By Chambers R Etc. Redclif Publishing, Oxford-Newyork, US, 33–40. Gachter, S., Nosenzo, D., Renner, E., & Sefton, M. (2008). Who makes a good leader? Social preferences and leading-by-example. Wills, G. (1994). What Makes a Good Leader?. The Atlantic Monthly, 273(4), 63–80. Source document
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Ford Motor Company Essay
energys cut across take guild is a Multi multinational companion with 90 define and facilities selling fomites in two hundred grocerys. It is the atomic number 42ment biggest bring in the beingness, with nearly 345,000 employees The interbreeding force back accompany is the 5th largest fomite manufacturer in the realism and the second in the U.S. with a entire (Sales 2010) of 4,988,031 vehicles construct including Cars, land craft vehicles (LCV), profound commercialised Vehicles (HCV) and Heavy Buses. get across force merges with Hertz Rent-A-Car, the worlds booster cable vehicle letting organization, operates from or so 8,100 locations in 143 countries worldwide. track Motor Company is in ten gravel in 2011 pile 500 lean (Us), with Revenues of (Millions) 128,954.0 and Profits of (Millions) 6,561.0 and in the 2011 world(a) 500 list, cut across Motors in cardinal fifth place. get across is a Household name brand Has tangible presence in all majo r continents ford motor credit confederacy functions finance, lease and sell insurance customers14,400 international patents, copyrights and trademarks2nd highest market c be in truck gross revenueSponsor special-rate financing programs available only through Ford character Programs increase Ford Credits financing volume and sh atomic number 18 of financing sales of their vehiclesWeaknessesFord Motors doesnt harbour a give notice cost-effective stander pickup or consignment van, comp ard to Chevrolet Silverado (Pickup) that gives 20mpg in city and 23mpg in driveway and the Chevrolet mouth (Van) that gives a 15mpg in city and 20mpg in highway. Durable good- in rough scotch times it is not necessary to supercede If consumers continue to demand vehicles that are comparatively large, earn high performance, and/or are feature-laden, while regulatory standards require the exertion of vehicles that are smaller and much economical, the pair of supply and demand would ha ve a negativeeffect on gainfulness Market share has declined in galore(postnominal) regions of the world over the last year. overall market share in the unite States, including PAG-brand vehicles, has declined in each of the past quin years, from 20.5% in 2003 to 15.6% in 2007 Stock shares have declined, resulting with volume reductions have had an adverse shock absorber on our results of operations Ford Motor warned its European operations may dawdle $500 million to $600 million this year.Opportunities basis technologies, correct with My ford intuitive feeling is a combine technology, that help and assists drivers for a to a greater extent comfortable drive experience. The Sync technology consist in combine Bluetooth- enable cell ph cardinals and Mp3 players in to the car, providing fall ease call and music alternative capabilities victimization voice activate commands. My ford place replaces many conventional buttons with clear, ablaze and user friendly LCD exa mines. Block exemption Regulation (Europe) Makes it easier for a dealer to bring out and sell multiple brands in unmatchable store (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) without the need to maintain fail facilities Increasing presence in chinaware, with to a greater extent than(prenominal) investment in manufacturing depicted object, introduction of young products and expansion of distribution channel unfastened a second assembly plant and natural engine plant find in Nanjing, chinaInitial talent of the plant was approximately 160,000 units yearbookly, boosting total annual passenger car outturn capacity in China to more than 410,000 vehiclesOperates a purchasing office in China to procure components for operations outside of ChinaThreats Decline in overall market share due toIncluding increased disputationIndustry shift away from traditionally stronger segments (e.g., traditional SUVs and full-size pickups)Reduced vehicle sales to daily rental companies reduction in commercial fleet sales reflected lower industry volume Japanese and Korean manufacturers are increasing their production capacity in EuropeStrength Ford Motor Company is a Multi international Company with 90 plant and facilities selling vehicles in 200 markets. It is the second biggest plant in the world, with approximately 345,000 employees. (http// diversity-commitment) , (http// The Ford Motor Company is the Fifth largest vehicle manufacturer in the world and the second in the U.S. with a total (Sales 2010) of 4,988,031 vehicles manufactured including Cars, land craft vehicles (LCV), Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) and Heavy Buses. (, 2011) (http// Ford Motor diversity in Ford Credit is a subsidiary of The Ford Motor Company that finance vehicles to customer and dealers to support Ford Motor Company sales. They also leave alone financing on Lincoln vehicles, go competitive rates, innovative products, flexible equipment casualty (http// Ford Motor merges with Hertz Rent-A-Car, the worlds leading vehicle renting organization, operates from approximately 8,100 locations in 143 countries worldwide. Ford Motor Company is in ten place in 2011 Fortune 500 list (Us), with Revenues of (Millions) 128,954.0 and Profits of (Millions) 6,561.0 (http// and in the 2011 world-wide 500 list, Ford Motors in twenty fifth place. (http// Ford Explores rollover and firestone tires recalls controversy announced on August, 2000, approximately 14.4 million tires contain a protective defect. Harmed Ford brand image.(http// Ford Motors doesnt have a send away high-octane stander pickup or cargo van, compared to Chevrolet Silver ado (Pickup) that gives 20mpg in city and 23mpg in highway and the Chevrolet Express (Van) that gives a 15mpg in city and 20mpg in highway. (http//www. open Ford Motors only has cardinal subsidiaries, Lincoln, mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin.Opportunities Fuel efficacious cars, Ford Motor Company is launching the to the highest degree fuel-efficient cars in the market. The All-new 2012 Ford Focus leave be occasioned by a fuel-efficient 2.0- cubic decimeter DOHC four-cylinder engine with twin independent versatile camshaft timing (Ti-VCT) and direct shove offoline shooting that will deliver up to a projected 40 mpg highway. The combinations of these technologies helps to lower gas emission but, still have sawbuck power. For a 4 cylinder 2.0 liter engines it is rated at 160 horse power and 146lbs of torque. (http// Big donator to charity and victims of in nate(p) disasters. October 27, 2000 Ford Motor Company will present $1.4 million to the San Diego Environmental Foundation (SDEF) for the preservation, protective cover and enhancement of the San Eliot Lagoon Ecological Reserve, which is one of San Diegos and Southern Californias most precious and unique natural resources. (http// Innovation technologies, Sync with My ford touch is a combine technology, that help and assists drivers for a more comfortable drive experience. The Sync technology consist in integrating Bluetooth- enable cell phones and Mp3 players in to the car, providing hand free call and music selection capabilities utilise voice activate commands. My ford touch replaces many traditional buttons with clear, colorful and user friendly LCD screens. (http// private road Technology, Blind Spot Information agreement (BLIS) gives out three prototypes when a vehicle not visible or enters ones blinds spot. The signals consists in a Yellow light appears in the corresponding side view mirror, an sound recording alert and a message warning displayed.(http// Rear view camera and forrad percept System, helps drives to see on screen when parking in reverse. The Forward Sensing System helps to determine how close are the objects form the vehicle. (http// Electric Power-Assisted centering (EPAS). This technology consists in adapting to the road conditions and help drivers to compensate directional shifts caused by invest roads surface or stabilize crosswinds. (http// Active Park Assistants uses ultrasonic base sensing frame and EPAS for parallel parking. (http// Rain-Sensing Wipes has a optical sensor that auto right to the climate conditions. (http//media.for Power train and toilet facility Adaptive cruise control allows the vehicle to set and mating speed without using the pedals. It also has a radar- based system thats can monitor the vehicle in front up to 600 feet. (http// simplified fuel or cap slight system helps drives when filling the car with flatulency a hassle-free, odor free, and have a more consistent seal compared to traditional manual cap.( http// Eco-Boost gains of up to 20 per centum and reduction of CO2 emissions by as much as 15 share compared with larger, less efficient engines. (http// Dual-clutch Power transfigure six-speed transmission combines the responsive performance and fuel economy of a manual gearbox with the convenience of a traditional self-acting transmission. (http// eats Government regulations. Do to the pollution and the Global warming caused by the Co2, car manufactures are trying to develop fuel efficient cars. In Jul 29,2011 Major car developers and manufactures united PresidentObama to discusses the further in fuel economy and proposed a new Fuel-efficiency standers. todays stander is 27.3mpg by 2025 the stander should be at 54.5 mpg. Its estimated that this new stander will save a average of $8,000 on fuel quantity per vehicle, and will reduce U.S. oil outgo by 2.2 billion barrels per day. (http// motley of oil price, is one of the most vapourific components oil, is very heretical as it prices increases and decreases. Consumer are more aware that fuel efficient vehicle can guarantee more performance for their money.In 26-07-2011 oil in the altogether open at $99.0 an close$99.6 (http// prices_historical.php) ontogeny of raw materials. This effects the manufacturing of the automobile if the brand name components raises then the car will have to be a lot more expensive. According to the World Carbon sword Transaction Prices in Mar,2011 medium vane sections were $719/Ton in April,2011 it was 926/Ton. (http// Recession is some other factor that Ford Motor Company has to battle. As the economy declines in activity, more people are not investiture or spending their incomes in new vehicles. It is estimate that the US unemployment rates is at 13.9 million persons a (9.1 percent) http//
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